Within The Strong Foundation, 5 key elements of life are woven together:
Soul Environment Body Community Family
Our Mission
Build a strong foundation for our future.
Awaken souls sleeping in their bodies with the power of music.
Nourish our environment with the virtues of classical feng shui & eco-regenerative design.
Heal our bodies with the knowledge of natural healing and flora consciousness.
Unite our communities with the principles of nature.
Create families that stay together in love, by consciously building the foundation of their existence.
Spread pure love, the elixir that connects us all in unity. Unity is the first essential building-block of the foundation of our future.
Founder & Director
Katyayanibetha, CFSC, is a Professionally Certified Classical Feng Shui Practitioner. She is a 2009 graduate of Golden Gate School of Feng Shui…. (read more)
“Revolutions go ‘round and ‘round. Resolution is coming to town!”
— Mother Earth’s Healing Circus
Music is an immensely powerful tool in restoring life to our souls. The music of KATYAYANI turns our attention inward, then fills us with the elixirs of wisdom, knowledge & understanding. Sweet, soothing music and powerful lyrics combine to provide inspiration & guidance in this age of materialism.
Music & the arts hold great power.
Classical Feng Shui is one of the 8 Rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Combined with Eco-Regenerative Design principles, SOUL WHISPER CONSULTING is a powerful catalyst for positive change - restoring the Earth to her natural state of harmony, home by home, and heart by heart. Classical feng shui is based on natural principles, with the goal of aligning ourselves in accordance with nature, rather than trying to dominate & control it.
Nature gives us power.
The Knowledge of a fundamental element of achieving optimum health is overlooked in mainstream medicine: the balance of our bodies' natural microbial flora. As our planet has become increasingly polluted, so have our bodies. Nature has been disregarded. Human ability to dominate & control nature has been valued above living in harmony with each other and the life that surrounds us. Our bodies, also a part of nature, are suffering for it. FLORA CONSCIOUSNESS is an important, vital way of restoring life to our bodies in the modern world amidst unnatural chemicals & GMOs that disrupt this delicate balance.
Knowledge is power.
WISDOM FROM KING SOLOMON is a Reference Book of principles of creation & unity. This book was compiled to help us know wisdom & instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment & equity; to give subtlety to the simple, to the young, knowledge & discretion. A wise one will hear & will increase learning; those of understanding will attain wise guidance & direction: to understand a proverb & the interpretation; the words of the wise & their mysterious sayings. Whoso listens to Wisdom shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of harm.
Unity is power.
Conscious Relationship Building plays a vitally important role in building a strong foundation for our future. The building block of the community is the family. The key to creating happy, healthy & whole families that stay together rests in the foundation of the relationship. Just like a house needs a solid foundation to remain standing, the foundation of any relationship must be solid and strong for it to last. PHAMILY FOUNDATIONS serves as a guide to help us consciously work with nature's processes so we can create relationships more in alignment with what we truly want in our lives.
Love is the strongest power.

Music by the legendary