Projects & Services

Chant a Psalm a Day with Katyayani

Word Sound Power Elixir of Truth, Love & Light

Join me in chanting a Psalm today, selected according to the Lion of Judah Society’s Daily Psalm Readings Guide & chanted in Iyaric (mystical variation of English), this is your daily dose of upliftment.

Conscious Relationship Building

7-Step Blueprint for Building a Strong Foundation for a Lasting Relationship with a Loving Life Partner

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Phamily Foundations

Shiv Shakti Yoga

Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound

Connect with the Inner Light & Sound Current and learn to meditate under the guidance and protection of Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Maa Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj.

Microbiome Health Education

No matter how health-conscious you are in this day and age, if you’re not flora-conscious, it’s all for naught!

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Flora Consciousness

Iah Foods

Flora Conscious Cuisine

For optimal microbiome health, the root of all good health

All Original Spiritual Roots Music

Sweet, soothing music and powerful lyrics combine to provide inspiration & guidance in this age of materialism, turning our attention inward & filling us with the elixirs of wisdom, knowledge & understanding.



Soul Whisper Consulting

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Classical Feng Shui & Eco-Regenerative Design

Creating environments more in alignment with nature, including our own nature


Wisdom from King Solomon

Reference Book of Principles of Creation & Unity

Unite our Communities with the Natural Principles of Creation

Natural People’s Rights


Social Justice Movement

Anyone who makes any natural lifestyle choice has the right to do so without facing discrimination. The Strong Foundation stands up to the bigotry of misonaturalism.

Accountability, Education & Advocacy

Stoping standardized abuse by medical professionals & educating them on the harms of medical gaslighting, a severe form of psychological abuse

The Center for Medical Integrity

Music by