Connect with the Inner Light & Sound Current
and learn to meditate under the guidance and protection of
Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Maa Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj
Through the practice of meditation, we can remove our tension and other problems and always have a smile on our faces. From inside, we need to remove our problems, and with Shiv Shakti Yoga we can overcome all our problems.
Shiv Shakti Yoga is directed under the divine guidance and blessings of Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Adishakti Satigiri Maharaj of Kedarnath, Himalayas, India, affectionately known as Guru Maa.
“This Mission is in reality a ‘Home of Truth’, as it is founded on Truth. In this home, everyone is equal; there is love for everyone, rich and poor, and through Maa’s blessings everyone’s wishes will be fulfilled.
“Maa is here to spread Truth in the world – because Truth is the foundation of spiritual power. Maa wants to see everyone follow the Path of Truth.
“All are equal in the eyes of God, and everyone should be treated like our family, so that is why Maa’s home is open to all. We will build schools, hospitals, refuges for the elderly, and provide education to those who are underprivileged.
“This is the Path of Truth, and through this Mission, you will visibly realize the Divine Power and experience God’s Power working. The qualities of love and trust are spreading everywhere on this Path of Truth, and this Mission will become exceptional in its work for humanity. In the future, this Mission will grow and expand and eventually come into the forefront.
“Maa wants to help everyone walk on the true Path and bring in the Golden Age. Maa is opening her arms wide to invite all those who are seeking Truth and who have a desire to work for God. Please contribute as you can, and pray sincerely to God to spread Truth into this world.”
- Guru Maa Maharaj
Guru Maa is a living example of a true God-realized Saint and the rare embodiment of the Divine Mother Power. Maa Adishakti has come at this time to help the transition of humanity into a new Era of Truth on Earth, known to many as the long-awaited Golden Age. Even as a young girl, it was known to her family that something was special about her and her future. Maa lived a married life for a short time, until she renounced her previous family obligations to dedicate her life to the service of God and spiritual disciplines. Maa meditated for many years in the Himalayan mountains of India and had no connection with people during this time; she was only connected to God while meditating day and night in a cave. Through intense meditation and devotional practices, Maa attained the highest goal and achieved Enlightenment or God-realization in 2001.
God has blessed Maa with the divine energy and power to help humanity and all life on Earth at this time of conflict and tension. Maa came down from the Himalayan mountains in 2010 to begin Her work to spread the Message of Truth and uplift all the souls yearning for inner spiritual freedom, known as Moksha.
The spiritual power of Adishakti, which Maa has received from God, is the Source of Power which all true Gurus or Realized Souls have attained through meditation. This Power has manifested on Earth to bless all the Gurus who are truly serving humanity, and It has the competency to connect sincere seekers of Truth to the highest level of human potential.
Everyone is encouraged to obtain the benefit of this rare opportunity. By learning the meditation practices, we are given a natural method to turn our attention within and discover the source of eternal peace and happiness. Everything lies within our own body. Guru Maa has now established her own spiritual mission to show us the true path and connect our souls with the “Divine Light and Sound” mentioned in all the mystical texts and Holy Scriptures. We can follow our own religions, faiths and worldly lives, and in addition accept the spiritual blessings from Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj to help ourselves and other people in the world.
Guru Maa is the founder of an international charity with headquarters in Haridwar, India. Guru Maa teaches love and respect for all people and life. Maa is not connected with any religion or doctrine. Maa teaches that Truth is universal and can be found in all religions, faiths and beliefs, but we need to connect with the living vibration of Truth inside ourself to truly understand what it is. Maa has come to help us all connect with our own Truth living inside each one of us. Maa has come to help uplift us all, whatever our spiritual path may be. Guru Maa Adishakti has come to unite us in Truth and Love.
Meditation instruction is offered freely, at no cost. You can learn this meditation practice from anywhere in the world. Get in touch with us via the form below to discuss further.
Anyone of any religion or spiritual practice or no religion or spiritual practice at all can learn this meditation practice. The path of Shiv Shakti Yoga is not a new religion to subscribe to. You do not have to leave anything behind that you already practice. Rather, this meditation will only deepen your connection to your current spiritual disciplines even more. If you don’t engage in spiritual disciplines, it will deepen your connection to and better your life itself even more. Whether or not anyone “believes” in God or whatever way God has been presented to them in their lifetime, we all have a Source of Life. Everything has a Source. It is this Source of Life that we can build a stronger connection with and thereby have our entire life blessed and uplifted with energy and consciousness.
Since the dawn of mankind, meditation on the Inner Light & Sound Current has been a way to reconnect to our Source of Life and return to the place from which we originated as Souls.
We have all incarnated countless times and picked up various veils of coverings and karma.
Throughout history, there have been those who have mastered the meditation on the Inner Light & Sound Current and achieved the ultimate goal of Moksha - release from the karmic cycle of birth, death and rebirth - who then have acquired the ability to help others reconnect to the Inner Light & Sound Current.
In reality, we are all already connected to this Inner Light & Sound Current - it is what gives us life, animates us and is the light and life of every one of our souls. However, for millions or billions of countless lifetimes, our attention has been engaged in the outer, physical world. Most of us have become so ingrained in physical reality that we have lost awareness of any semblance of our inner greater reality at all.
Those who have mastered the meditation on the Inner Light & Sound and who have taken on the important work of helping others, in this respect, have the ability to help us connect our attention, which is the outward expression of our soul, to the Inner Light & Sound Current again. Once our attention is reconnected to this Inner Light and Sound, we can begin to see and hear this inner reality once again. By meditating on the Inner Light & Sound Current, a whole new reality opens up to us, one far greater and more real than anything we could ever experience in the physical plane. The physical plane is an expression of the inner planes of consciousness. Everything occurs in the spiritual planes before it trickles down into the physical. By mastering this meditation practice, our consciousness expands and we acquire the ability to make choices that create the consequences we want to see manifest in our lives, as well as help the lives of those we love to an even greater extent.
Guru Maa Adishakti has come to the Earth in these times to help us all in this most important transitional phase of creation. She is offering this most valuable connection freely to all who will accept it. Guru Maa truly loves everyone and accepts all hearts yearning for peace and release of suffering.
Never before these times has such a gift been given so freely. In times past, connection to the Inner Light & Sound Current was only obtained after strict austerities were followed and much contact and communication made between the Guru who was giving it and the devotee who wished to receive it. Guru Maa is truly blessing us all in these times, giving this most precious gift to all the children of the earth who will receive it.
If you would like to receive this precious gift and learn the Meditation on the Inner Light and Sound Current, simply get in touch with us to discuss it further.
Meditation instruction is
For more information, watch this video presentation on Shiv Shakti Yoga and Inner Light & Sound Meditation:
(To turn off sound for the music so you can listen to this video, scroll to the bottom of this page and press ‘pause’.)
Upcoming Events
We meditate together via Zoom throughout the year. See the calendar to the left for upcoming dates.
12:00 PM Pacific
1:00 PM Mountain
2:00 PM Central
3:00 PM Eastern
We occasionally hold public events online, open to everyone, which you can always find in the calendar above. You are invited to join us for Satsang (spiritual discussion), Sangeet (music), or vegan, flora-conscious nutrition classes - all always free. Scheduling for meditation instruction is available afterward, for anyone who would like to receive instruction, or feel free to reach out to us to schedule a time to receive instruction at any time.

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