Everyone has the right to live and exist as a natural person on the Earth, if they choose, in whatever way they choose. In modern times, when corporations seek to monopolize entire areas of our lives for profit, natural people have come under attack. Smear campaigns have been launched to convince the public that existing in our natural state is a danger to others. This is a movement to stand up for natural people or anyone and everyone who makes any natural lifestyle choice, whether it be natural medicine, natural immunity, natural birth, natural learning, natural foods, natural hair, natural living, natural clothing, natural body care, natural cleaners or any thing else that is natural, defined as “present in or produced by nature.” Let's unite to stand up to the bigotry of misonaturalism.
What is misonaturalism?
Misonaturalism is the bigoted belief that natural people and natural lifestyle choices are inferior to synthetic lifestyles and those who choose them. Misonaturalism is a form of discrimination or prejudice. It is the hatred or dislike of, aversion to, distrust of, contempt for or prejudice against anyone who makes a natural lifestyle choice, including but not limited to natural medicine, natural immunity, natural birth, natural learning, natural foods, natural hair, natural living, natural clothing, natural body care, natural cleaning products, natural clothing, etc.
Misonaturalism manifests in various forms, such as physical intimidation and abuse, harassment, ramifications imposed for non-compliance with the acceptance of synthetics, social shunning and ostracism, etc. Legislation that denies equal access to parts of society and smear campaigns using misonaturalist slurs such as, “anti-vaxxers” are an embodiment of the misonaturalism of this time.
Examples of misonaturalism
Whether or not someone is 100% completely natural or not, anyone who makes any natural lifestyle choices has the right to do so without being shamed, ostracized or punished for it in any way. Following are some examples of some common natural lifestyle choices that people often face discrimination for.
Written by Katyayanibetha
Natural Immunity
The false belief that natural immunity is inferior to synthetic immunity is a major misonaturalist prejudice that is marketed throughout the world in this time, all due to the financial interests of pharmaceutical corporations and the unwarranted fear they've instilled in people with targeted marketing campaigns.
There is also confusion as to what natural immunity actually is. It appears that many think that natural immunity entails getting ill with a disease and then developing antibodies to that disease. While that is one way to develop natural immunity, it is NOT the objective of natural immunity to actually get sick with a disease, nor does that ideology have anything to do with the primary definition of this term. Natural immunity is simply supporting one’s own immune system to do the job it was designed to do without being synthetically manipulated by vaccines or otherwise. Antibodies are only one layer of the immune system. We have other layers to our immune systems, as well. When we are healthy with a strong core vitality, we can be exposed to any microbe in our environment and never even know it because our immune system will not let it infect us. Microbes grow on diseased tissue - they are not the primary cause of disease.
One example of natural immunity is how Natives of what is now referred to as the U.S. were found to have antibody titers in their bloodstreams for the polio virus - yet they had never contracted a polio infection or gotten ill with it at all ever. They had gotten exposed to the virus naturally and developed antibodies for it without ever knowing it, because all the layers of their immune systems were working properly. This shows how we do not need to synthetically manipulate the antibody layer of our immune systems in order to resist infections. If someone wants to do that, that's their choice, but to force that on anyone or make it compulsory by implementing discriminatory policies that make life as hard as possible for natural people - especially those less materially privileged - is pure bigotry based on prejudice and false beliefs.
In reality, we have ten times as many microbes in our bodies as there are human cells! They’re just smaller in size, and so only make up about 2 - 4% of an entire body’s mass. We live in a symbiotic relationship with all kinds of various types of microbes. This is the way that nature intended. The attack-and-destroy mentality is truly only destroying our own selves. We need to learn to work with nature, and nature will work with us. We are a part of nature, and nature is a part of us.
Billions and billions of dollars of marketing campaigns have convinced most of the people of the world that synthetic immunity through the practice of mass vaccination is the only way to keep the population healthy and free of infections. This could not be further from the truth.
In reality, the more and more we vaccinate, the worse and worse health outcomes become. Despite the smear campaigns that are run against anyone who tries to speak up about this, it’s obvious, to anyone who can see, that chronic diseases are rising astronomically. It’s estimated that 60% of adults in the U.S. have at least one chronic illness, as well as 54% of children! and we are told this is normal, as if it's nature that's haphazard and crazy and randomly goes haywire without cause, such as in the case of auto-immune diseases, many “syndromes” and other diagnosis that are really just symptoms of a greater cause. These corporations hire psychologists to craft their marketing campaigns and have manipulated the world to believe that we wouldn't be able to do without them, because they say we can't trust nature. They utilize fear and ignorance to keep far too many wrapped around their little finger.
The truth is that vaccines were proven obsolete when Germ Theory was disproved after the invention of the high resolution microscope. Even Louis Pasteur himself, the developer of Germ Theory, admitted that he was wrong and that Claude Bernard's Terrain Theory was actually correct…. So, why does our mainstream medical care system, still to this day, fashion almost everything they do according to disproved theories such as the Germ Theory? Is it because the primary concern of these corporate entities has always been profit and not the people they serve? so much so that any published, peer-reviewed data that leads to new scientific discoveries that stand to make their current products obsolete gets swept under the rug? and for this long? Vaccines were originally invented in the 1700s, long before we could even observe the behavior of microbes like we can now. Why is it so farfetched to so many that we may have made new discoveries since then?
Knowledge of the Terrain Theory, a.k.a. Toxicity Theory, when applied, more than adequately fortifies our own natural immunity. While some people may not want to adhere to the self-discipline required to have a strong and healthy immune system naturally, those who have cultivated such self-discipline should definitely not be forced to synthetically alter our immune systems in order to comply with disproved theories. We have a right to remain in our natural state, as we were born, and in NO way do those who choose natural immunity pose ANY harm to anyone else. That false belief is a dangerous, bigoted, misonaturalist prejudice that should be erased from consciousness.
One of the main reasons misonaturalists seek to force their synthetic immunity upon everyone is because they believe that it’s only by achieving “herd immunity” through mass vaccination that we can protect the public from outbreaks of infections. Because the pursuit of profit and the massive amount of money spent on marketing pharmaceutical products instigate a blind eye to be turned toward any new scientific discovery, which may cause a loss of profit, when it was scientifically proven that herd immunity cannot be achieved synthetically with vaccines, it went ignored. Herd immunity truly cannot be achieved with vaccines, however. Studies have clearly shown that vaccine-induced immunity wanes after about ten years. Not everyone who receives a vaccine develops antibodies to it, either. With the MMR vaccine, for example, studies showed that 2 - 10% of those receiving it did not develop antibodies. Achieving herd immunity through mass vaccination is merely another fairy tale to get the public to comply, to shame each other when someone doesn’t go along with orders and to ignore - as well as smear - those injured by vaccines when we attempt to warn others. Natural immunity is in NO way inferior to synthetic immunity.
One organization who is standing up for the rights of everyone to not be forced or coerced into synthetically altering ours nor our children's immune systems is the Informed Consent Action Network. Their work is SO important, and they are true protectors of natural people and all people everywhere.
Natural Foods
Our natural food supply has been under threat from GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) for some time. Organic farmers’ crops have been endangered by nearby fields with GMO crops pollinating theirs. Small, independent farmers whose crops become contaminated by neighboring GM crops, are made to pay patent fees or risk being sued!
Most GMO seeds are genetically engineered to be herbicide tolerant, resistant to insect infestation and disease. GM crops also manufacture their own pesticides, which puts further poisons into humans, the soil and the environment. Toxins contained in the GMO plants harm other organisms, such as monarch caterpillars, bees and birds. The pesticide found in genetically modified cotton and corn is implicated in the deaths of poultry, cows, horses, sheep and buffalo worldwide.
Despite these valid concerns, much of the time, they go ignored. Legislators turn the other way, especially when they’re getting funding from some of these GMO agritech companies. Our right to access food in its natural state is infringed upon and endangered.
Some people actually discriminate against others who prefer natural, organic foods, as well. Those who have concerns about GMO foods get gaslighted and told to “believe the science,” as if man’s creations are infallible.
I used to have a friend whose employer started looking down at her and making fun of her when she started trying to eat more healthy, organic foods and bringing dishes to work for lunch, such as organic whole grain buckwheat with organic vegetables and tahini sauce. I thought it was so strange how her employer got so triggered by her making healthier choices. I think it might be due to how things are marketed in the media, again. People who make such choices are associated with a certain style or certain crowd, and if that’s not the crowd someone wants to be associated with, they begin to reject the person making those choices. It’s a herd mentality bias that hinders the ability to think for oneself about what will benefit us and others the most.
GMO companies have also marketed the false idea that there’s no way to feed the world without genetically modifying crops. This could not be further from the truth. Organic food production is in NO way inferior to GMO food production. The documentary, OMG, GMO does a pretty good job at making an evidence-based case for this. While more and more are waking up to these facts, some still need to learn it.
Natural Medicine
The idea that natural medicine is inferior to allopathic medicine is promoted throughout various forms of media. Those who choose natural medicine, instead of allopathic medicine, are often portrayed as silly and idiotic in movies, television shows, on the news and on various platforms. I myself, personally, have never been so abused on social media as the one week I spent, right after the COVID campaign was launched, trying to tell people about how easily medical ozone neutralizes viruses, all because it's a natural medicine. You would think that most people would be glad to hear of something that could protect them, but instead, so many people actually get angry at being told about a natural medicine! I even tried sharing information from a brilliant medical ozone doctor I know, where he explains in detail the mechanism by which ozone neutralizes viruses - the oxidation knocks the spikes off it, rendering it incapable of entering the cell - and shares experiences he's had treating himself and other patients for viruses with medical ozone since 1984 with immediate results. Strangely, very few people want to hear anything about it - it's like our ability to learn from each other has been co-opted. I gave up trying to quell people’s fears with knowledge after about a week, unless an opportunity presents itself where there’s more receptivity. This is the epitome of misonaturalism, when natural medicine and people who profess their experiences with it are seen as so inferior, that we are "brain dead” as one misonaturalist said to me.
Pharmaceutical companies have utilized misonaturalism to market their products, effectively ostracizing those who choose otherwise. Billions of dollars have gone into marketing campaigns designed to psychologically manipulate the masses, planting false ideas based on outdated scientific discoveries from hundreds of years ago. Any new scientific discovery that stands to cause a loss of profit gets swept under the rug, and this is why today still, many pharmaceutical products are based on Germ Theory, which was disproved around 80 years ago with the invention of the high resolution microscope, when we could observe the behavior of microbes like never before.
Misonaturalists will often purport the notion that natural medicines “don’t work” and will laugh and scoff at anyone who professes their experiences with them. They are so arrogant in their indignation that they never stop to consider that there just might be something in all of creation that they haven’t learned about yet. They dismiss anything that they don’t already understand due to their prejudice.
Natural medicine is the opposite of allopathic medicine. You cannot use natural medicine allopathically and expect it to “work.” Natural medicine works with a person’s whole being and life, while allopathic medicine targets a set of symptoms, often by manipulating nature in order to achieve a desired result. Natural medicine, on the other hand, works with nature in order to achieve the desired result - in this way, the positive result can be sustained, when healing is found at the root of the problem. In contrast, when we manipulate nature, there’s always a price to pay, for we cannot override the laws of nature, ultimately.
Natural Medicine is in NO way inferior to synthetic medicine. As an example, one modality of natural medicine that can be used holistically is the Five Elements of Natural Healing, a blueprint we can use to work with nature to achieve healing, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory, which provides a language for us to be able to understand and communicate about nature's intrinsic cycles and processes.
Indigenous People
Misonaturalism also includes discrimination or prejudice against natural indigenous people who live in nature, close to the earth. The bigotry of misonaturalism has wreaked havoc in the lives of natural people throughout history, and it continues to threaten the health and safety of natural people today. It’s another example of how natural people are looked down upon and seen as SO inferior that those who worship their own innovations over nature which created them, actually think they have the right to steal from and utterly destroy the culture, land and people themselves of indigenous tribes. To this day, sacred rainforests are being chopped down for lumber or cow fields, and indigenous peoples are being misplaced. Materialism is the root of such misonaturalist belief systems, in cultures where things are valued over people, where power over others is valued over unity and happiness within one’s own community, where one’s self-worth is derived from placing oneself above others.
Indigenous people valued community, nature and spirituality over materialism. Their advancements in these areas are not inferior to the material advancements of those who only value “things.” Living life according to the natural laws of creation in accordance with nature kept communities thriving.
Let's unite to stand up for indigenous people everywhere in every way possible. Their knowledge, wisdom and understanding of life are the most precious gems of the earth that must be protected. Every indigenous community that has been harmed is a loss to the entire planet and all generations to come.
Natural Birth
Women have been giving birth since the dawn of mankind - obviously! However, it seems that the idea that a woman can give birth to a child without allopathic medical intervention has been grossly promoted throughout our society, so much so that women who do so, at times, get looked down upon as if they are being irresponsible and foolish. Magazines have published articles calling breastfeeding “unnatural!” How much more far removed from reality can you get than that?! Are such claims purely made from ignorance and misinformation? or are there those who purposefully seek to mislead others in an attempt to sell whatever they are promoting? Nature and natural occurrences should not be viewed as competition for corporations.
Besides being ostracized and outright denied the right to give birth at home, sometimes the discrimination that families face due to misonaturalism, when giving birth, get taken to even more dangerous levels. One example is of a friend I knew some time ago who, along with her husband, decided on an unassisted home birth in Virginia. While in the throes of active labor, she was using her voice to help herself through the waves of intense contractions. A neighbor heard her and called the police, who barged into their home and refused to leave. She was forced to give birth with men she did not know and felt threatened by staring right at her. They were forced to go to the hospital afterwards, as well. The family gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, however, who was two years old when I met them. Gratefully, after some 'red tape’ they had to work their way through, the authorities left them alone. However, other such families have been separated from their children for making natural lifestyle choices, and this is one of the most egregious attacks on the rights of natural people.
Giving birth is not a medical emergency; it is as natural and intrinsic to life as each breath we inhale. Natural people are not so inferior that we cannot gauge for ourselves when medical care might be needed. We have the right to birth our children into this world naturally, without fear of attack or even reprimand.
Natural Body Care & Natural Cleaners
Everything we need can be found in nature. Yet, some are so misonaturalist that they believe there’s no way to get clean without using man-made chemicals. Those who use natural body care products are sometimes seen as dirty, as well as those who use natural cleaners in their home. These ideas are also propagated by corporate industries that seek to profit off of such notions. We cannot let corporations sew seeds of bigotry and hate so that they can profit from it. Natural body care and natural cleaning products are in NO way inferior to synthetic ones. In fact, cleaning products made from synthetic chemicals only serve to pollute our environments and contribute to the destruction of the microbiomes within our bodies which serve as an integral part of our immune system. Natural cleaning and body care products are actually cleaner and lack no cleaning power at all whatsoever, in reality.
Natural Hair
Everyone’s hair, when left naturally to grow on its own, will form into what’s known as dreadlocks. The belief that those with natural locks are inferior to those with combed hair is another misonaturalist idea. The ways that those with natural locks are discriminated against throughout society are too numerous to count.
Having natural locks is a very misunderstood topic throughout society. It’s often confused with a hairstyle that’s supposed to belong to only one culture or the other, but in reality, the natural locks referred to here is not a hairstyle at all. It’s the natural way that everyone’s hair grows when left to nature. While some do purposefully shape and form their hair into locks on their own, that’s not what is being referred to here. Natural hair locks or dreadlocks that form on their own, separated only for comfort’s sake, rather than for the dictates of one’s mind, are what is being referenced here.
Many cultures around the world throughout history had people that grew their hair into locks - throughout India, Africa, Celtic cultures, Scotland, Jamaica and across the earth. In the Christian Bible that Rastas also reference, the Oath of the Nazarite is mentioned, where one separates their self from society unto their Creator, grows their hair into locks, and no longer touches alcohol and other things. For many people, even in this day and age, it is a physical manifestation of giving your life over to your Creator to shape and form you as an expression of your truest nature, rather than living by the dictates of your mind and societal influences.
For some, dreadlocks are only a hairstyle. For others, it’s a deep spiritual journey that connects them to the earth, to their Source of Life. They can be a great teacher when one is on a path of self-discovery.
“It’s not about how you form your dreadlocks, but how your dreadlocks form you.”
- Katyayanibetha
In mentioning natural dreadlocks here, I feel it necessary to address an idea I've heard mentioned a lot across social media. The best way I know to do that is to share my own personal story and experience.
Some people say that “white people" should not have dreadlocks, because they confuse it with cultural appropriation. While I will firmly stand with anyone against cultural appropriation when it comes to things that are truly that - such as Native headdresses being used by non-Natives, for example, growing natural locks genuinely can not be defined as cultural appropriation. Again, we’re not referring to a hairstyle here or anything influenced by any culture when referencing natural dreadlocks. We're referring to how anyone's hair naturally grows when allowed to do so
I myself had natural dreadlocks for 17 years of my life, from the age of 18 in 1995 until I was 35 in 2012. I happen to have an extremely rare hair type that I believe comes from my Celtic Druid ancestors. Celtic Druids are known for having dreadlocks for a long time throughout history. I seem to be genetically made to have dreadlocks, and following is my reasoning for this.
I grew up in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, and some of my maternal ancestors hail from the Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokee. I am an ascendent of Goldenhawk. My ancestors were able to avoid being forced onto the Trail of Tears by hiding out in the hills with Celtic Druids who literally would help cover them with sticks to hide them when the authorities came looking for more "Indians" to send on their way. This is where the saying, “out in the sticks" comes from, when referring to being far out in the woods.
Some of their traditions got passed along in my family as far as my maternal biological grandfather, who was also my adoptive father whom I lived with and who helped raise me. He, my mom (biological grandmother) and I lived off of the land. We grew most of our own organic food - an abundance of vegetables, beans and fruit - and my parents fished all summer long to store for the winter, like it was their full-time job. He inherited the practice of growing tobacco for a living from his Cherokee heritage, as well as inherited what could be looked at as magical practices and tendencies from his Celtic Druid heritage. Aside from being told that our heritage comes from Druids by family members in the generation before me, this is how I know that this is true. Every elder in my family has a story of witnessing my adoptive father/bio grandfather heal with his breath. He would blow on a wound and whisper some words under his breath that his mother taught him, I'm told, but that he wouldn't reveal to anyone, and the wound would heal right up. Apparently, as a baby, I was healed of thrush in this way. I’m also told that our Celtic Druid ancestors were Seers, and this is confirmed by both my sister and I often dreaming of events before they occur - we've both had shocking experiences. For my sister, it happened a lot when she was small. For me, it intensifies as I get older. Therefore, I'm not just speculating when I claim my Celtic Druid heritage and my ancestors of light complexion with dreadlocks.
After having dreadlocks for 17 years, I feel strongly that my extremely rare hair type comes from having Celtic Druid ancestors that must have had dreadlocks for so many generations that their bodies genetically adapted to it. I could literally have dreadlocks for 80 years and not cut them once and they would still never reach past my back. My hair naturally grows dreadlocks and recycles them - they're like bonsai dreads. My hair naturally doesn't even lock up in the front much at all, either. I've had friends of other heritage before that had dreadlocks for not more than four years, and already their locks are growing past their knees and hurting their neck. I had dreadlocks for 17 years and they never reached past my back nor caused any neck problems ever. Nothing else makes sense - why otherwise would nature cause such thin strands of hair to grow out the head with someone of my heritage, coming from a culture that lived in such a cold climate? My hair is genetically made to have dreadlocks, light complexion or not.
Other people count themselves as having thin hair, but I have never met anyone else with hair like mine, except for my birth-mother, where my Celtic Druid heritage comes from. None of her other five children or 17 grandchildren inherited this trait either. It seems to be very rare.
I was ridiculed for my hair severely as a child. It’s insane how much of a woman's - or even a little girl's - value is placed in how her hair appears! When I started being exposed to more natural cultures at 17 years old, thanks to The Rainbow Family of Living Light, I took right to it. I could never fit into society anyway, no matter how hard I tried. I began waking up to the reality of what was taking place on the earth and learned that I could find solace by sitting with the trees. When my heart was uneasy and questions swarmed through my mind, I found so much peace sitting with and being near a tree. Thanks to those tress in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, my heart would be quieted and the answers would come from within, in the stillness of my mind. It was those trees who first inspired me to grow my dreadlocks. I noticed how beautiful each tree was with the way its branches and leaves would form, unique to every other tree. This was more beautiful to me than the trees who had their tops cut off to make way for electrical lines and things. The people with natural dreadlocks I met on the Grateful Dead lot and deep in the forest at the center of many of our national forests at Rainbow Gatherings - where we would gather to form temporary natural eco-villages where we could live freely in nature as a real community without monetary exchange - were more beautiful to me too. That's why I started growing my natural dreadlocks in the summer of 1995 at the age of 18 years old.
Although I haven't had dreadlocks now since 2012, I still let my hair grow naturally without letting it lock up, whether it looks like it or not - I never cut my hair, but it naturally doesn't grow past my shoulders without dreadlocks. It’s always been that way since I was a child, and my birth-mother's hair is the same. Also, the past couple years, my hair has even been naturally turning strawberry blonde, all on its own! which is strange for me, as I've always had dark brown hair with reddish highlights my entire life. Now it's all three colors - I call it chocolate strawberry blonde. I wonder if more people’s hair changes color like this in their 40s, but don't realize it because most people start dying their hair with synthetic coloring around that time. Aside from no longer having dreadlocks, I don't alter my body. I like being natural, but I also respect everyone’s free will to do what is most comfortable for them with their own body. That's what this is all about - we have the right to decide for ourselves.
Therefore, I completely refute the claim that those of us with light complexions are appropriating other cultures by growing natural dreadlocks - some have even told me that claiming Celtic heritage still doesn't make it ok. I really think the people who say this don't really know that much about what natural dreadlocks are, nor Celtic heritage. When I’m told this, it feels like they’re trying to cut me off from my own genetic heritage. However, no matter what your heritage, I really feel that everyone has a right to grow their hair in natural locks, if they choose, as it's a natural expression of our own selves, not a culture. Various cultures have had dreadlocks, but many times, that was because a portion of people intentionally wanted to separate themselves from the culture of the day and return to nature. Natural dreadlocks are a living representation of giving your life to your Creator on a path of oneness with the Source of All Life.
I hope that this clears things up for anyone who reads this section on natural dreadlocks. We all have the right to grow our hair naturally and to not alter or modify our bodies in any way, if we choose, without facing discrimination..
Let’s connect!
This movement was just launched in 2020 and is still in development. How would you like to see it grow and evolve? Let’s unite and stand together for our right to remain natural people on the earth without being coerced to choose synthetics when it goes against our conscience to do so.
I strongly urge anyone who’s facing or fighting misonaturalist discrimination to utilize this framework in their efforts to uphold truth and freedom. Many states and countries are passing discriminatory laws that disallow people who do not want to synthetically alter theirs or their children’s immune systems with vaccines from participating in society. From segregation in schools to Ticketmaster’s recent policy to bar those without the COVID vaccine from attending their concerts, to talk of disallowing more natural people from taking airplanes, having a drivers’ license or being employed, government policies are coming right at us with their attempt to manipulate us to go against our own conscience and what we know to be best for ourselves and our children. I really feel that in framing these attacks on our rights for the bigotry that it is - misonaturalism - even more people could see the truth and reality, and we could garner more protection and more ability to stand up against such discrimination that causes great harm.
Do you have a story of misonaturalist discrimination you’d be willing to share to help propagate more understanding of this issue? Send us your story for inclusion in the testimonials shared further on this page. You can send your story in writing, audio or video - the choice is yours.
Following are some examples of discrimination that natural people have experienced due to the bigotry of misonaturalism. If you have a story to share, send it to us, and we will include it here. We need more people to wake up to the reality of what we’re facing so we can be protected and supported to be as natural as we want to be on this earth that we were born to. Thank you! to those who have shared their stories.
A story of discrimination due to natural immunity, natural hair & natural cleaning
Shared October 29, 2020
I’ve been a natural person my entire adult life, so I have a few stories to share. I allowed my hair to grow naturally into locks for 18 years of my life, I birthed my daughter naturally at home and did not vaccinate her, and I’ve used natural cleaning products my entire adult life, as well.
First of all, my unvaccinated daughter was still in high school in California when SB-277 went into effect in 2016, the misonaturalist law that discriminated against natural people, disallowing our children to attend school without synthetically altering their immune systems. We are lucky that my daughter was a teenager at that point, and that I could enroll her in a home-schooling program. While my original intention and plan for her at birth was to never send her to school in the first place, and I have always been working toward extracting myself from Babylon society to create a new community closer to the earth, it’s a journey, and my community was not yet united enough for there to be a structure in place for us to take such actions at that time. Her father breached our agreements and I became a single mother when she was just two years old. I was 25 years old at that time. Even though my dream and deepest desire was to be at home with my children and teach them myself, I had no other choice but to work to support us, so that was not possible. Therefore, we are lucky that law did not go into effect when my daughter was a small child. If it had, I would have had to forego having her with me during the week, because I depended upon sending her to school in order to work. I loved the work I did as a program coordinator at a feng shui school, but I couldn’t have had the means to pay someone to care for my daughter and teach her during the day while I worked. Many families were affected by that law, and I saw in support groups I was a part of in social media that many parents felt forced into vaccinating their children in similar circumstances. I would not have vaccinated my daughter, but I wouldn’t have been able to move out of state with her either, due to custody court orders. It’s statutes such as CA SB-277 that discriminate against natural people and bar us from participating in our communities.
Having grown my hair naturally into locks for 18 years, I also faced many forms of discrimination. It’s kind of a part of the learning that comes with having locks - you learn to stand up and be firm in who you are, your natural self, no matter what anyone else in society thinks. I traveled around the country for many years with my locks, and there would always be the occasional skin head, or once a logger kid whose family cut down redwood trees for a living, who would try and make trouble with my boyfriend and I. I have one almost funny story though, of a job interview I went to once. My locks never really prevented me from obtaining work, when I needed it. Rather, they led me to the places I was meant to be most. I found that most people just want to work with someone that has the skills, and that they enjoy being around. However, once, after losing my job at an International Market Gallery because it went out of business, I went to an interview at a store that sold rocking chairs. I was first interviewed by phone, and the owner of the company seemed to absolutely love me and my resume. He was so excited about hiring me and wanted to meet me as soon as possible. When I arrived to the interview, his demeanor completely changed. He spent the time searching for an excuse of why it wouldn’t work out with me, as he knew he had almost basically just hired me over the phone. Eventually, he had me go and try and pick up this huge, heavy rocking chair and put it into a big box, which I was not strong enough to do at 5’ 3” and 110 lbs, and he said he needed someone who could do that and so it wouldn’t work out with me. I didn’t want to be somewhere I wasn’t wanted anyway, of course, but it was funny to me. You would think he would have mentioned that to me on the phone, or that he would have specifically been looking for a strong man or an exceptionally strong woman with a big build if that was really one of the job requirements. There were two other big, strong men who worked there that I saw, so I highly doubt that was why he didn’t hire me. Pretty funny.
Lastly, in a house I was renting a room in once, I had a landlord make comments about my not cleaning, because I used natural cleaners, rather than harsh chemicals, when in fact I was literally the ONLY person in the house who ever cleaned up after themselves. The other two roommates would only clean RIGHT before the landlord got there, yet I was the one that got blamed for not cleaning, because I prefer natural cleaners.
I’ve been pretty lucky, for the most part. Many others have had much more trying times than me. However, I’m highly concerned with the push for mandated / compulsory vaccinations with everything that has been going on in 2020. I reserve my right to refusal without ramification!
- Katyayani, Humboldt County, California
Blessings from an Elder
Shared November 17, 2020
I always live off the grid. Kind of special to be part of this declaration. I am an elder now. It is good to be part of this movement. Happy “launch." Long Life Love Cooperation Compassion Amen
- Eldja Bo, Canada
A story of discrimination based on natural immunity - segregation of children in schools
Shared November 15, 2020
We had to start homeschooling my son last year in 8th grade because his exemption was no longer valid.
- Kathy Chechopoulos, California
A story of discrimination due to natural child rearing
Shared October 30, 2020
The fraud human trafficking black magic of dead souls via the Roman Catholic Natilcal courts tried to steal jurisdiction of my daughter from me. They attempted a misonaturalist bait and switch against me… I am a natural woman and against the synthetic for me and my offspring prodigy. I recognized the fraud, human trafficking and trespass against me and my daughter. The black magic spell against us ultimately from the satanic Roman Church and Jesuitical franchise has been broken and cast off.
I am navigating my way back to the straight and narrow, natural path.
- Anonymous, Living on the Land and Soil, USA

Music by the powerful