Our New Blog!

Greetings and welcome!

I am very excited to launch this new blog! A wealth of information will be shared here within the coming months and years. Make sure to subscribe to our monthly eNewsletter so you can receive these treasures directly! I promise your inbox will never be flooded, and your email address will be held with the utmost confidentiality.

I have finally gotten this blog up and running. I’ve wanted to for a long time. I do so much writing and sharing on social media, and have been receiving a lot of feedback about how much the knowledge I've shared has benefited people's lives. I often write about the same topics over and over again, so it makes sense to collect them here and then share them when appropriate. I’ll be sharing articles that I write on a variety of topics, related to music, classical feng shui & eco-regenerative design, natural health & flora consciousness, flora-friendly culinary creations, literary arts for the cultivation of the principles of unity within our community, conscious relationship building, Shiv Shakti Yoga Meditation, natural people’s rights, indigenous plant medicines, and more - all centered around building a strong foundation for our future & the future of our children & grandchildren. Read on to see how it all weaves together.

The purpose and mission of The Strong Foundation is to help fortify our lives and communities with the knowledge, wisdom and understanding we need to secure a bright future for all life, free of unnecessary suffering.

Science has confirmed we are deep into the 6th Mass Extinction to hit this planet we live on. The other five mass extinctions were caused by comets, asteroids, volcanoes and such, but this one has been caused by human beings, for apparent reasons.

We really need to make sure the foundation of our future is built from a blueprint based on reality, rather than the shifting sands of how we wish things to be, or how they’ve “always been”. We have a lot more to consider when planning for ours and our children and grandchildren's futures, as our climate changes more rapidly, and the human population eventually begins to reduce as most of the animal populations have already.

Despite the massive increase of natural disasters worldwide, the ocean dying, recently losing the last white rhinoceros on Earth, looking at losing all our elephants and lions within the next 30 years, and countless other things, most people still seem to be going on with business as usual. We've yet to accept the gravity of the situation we find ourselves in on a level large enough yet to turn it around and create balance before nature inevitably steps in to do so. There's only so much harm to the planet and our environment that humans can cause, before that in itself takes away our ability to continue to cause so much harm on such a massive scale.

The planet and life on it will go on. The question is, how do we want to spend our attention in the upcoming years as the reality we are living in becomes more and more impossible to ignore? How can we engage each of our inherently unique gifts to consciously create the highest vision for the future we want our children and grandchildren to raise their children in? Do we know that we have the power to do that when we unite and work together as one people?

We absolutely and completely have the ability to build a strong, solid foundation for our future. We are not victims of the ignorance of some of those who came before us. Rather, our ancestors are our foundation, the shoulders we stand upon. It's up to us to utilize the opportunity they've given us to be here in this time, and utilize the knowledge available to us to build the future we want our children and grandchildren to experience. It’s up to us to take things a step further, and to implement what we’ve learned from the mistakes of the past. There is no reason to fear the future when we unite with the principles of nature. We are more than capable. We just have to be willing. We absolutely and completely can generate enough power to create and sustain the vision we wish to create for our future. Like any structure built, it all starts with the foundation.

By bringing attention to the restoration of our soul through the power of music, we can stay connected with the principles we want to live our lives by, we magnify our connection with the Source of Life from which all things emanate, we connect with guidance, with wisdom, understanding, and true peace and serenity are the result. This nourishes the creation and growth of our highest vision for our future on the deepest levels where it all begins - within.

By bringing attention to the restoration of our environment with the virtues of classical feng shui and eco-regenerative design, we heal our environments, learn to respect the earth and listen to the quiet voice of nature. We learn not to alter our natural environments without fully considering the consequences of its impact on everyone and all life around. This completely transcends the potential for anything and everything we wish to do, for we are the products of our environment. Greater health and prosperity can be found for all when we consider, respect, love and care for our environment.

By bringing attention to the restoration of our body with the knowledge of flora consciousness, we are able to optimize the time we have on this planet by making our bodies into the most useful, well-running vehicles to move around in this world, and in turn, feel amazing. Our bodies are THE foundation of our existence. Without our bodies, we can’t do anything, we can’t even meditate very effectively to achieve liberation from karma, the ultimate goal of human life. The vitality of our bodies is of the utmost importance to our future because we can't do much good for anyone if our bodies aren't working properly. Flora consciousness renews our bodies, and removes so many of the obstacles to optimum health and a life fully lived.

By bringing attention to the restoration of our community with the principles of nature, we are able to truly unite as one people with one goal, one aim and one destiny - the highest well being of all people and all life on planet earth. Unity is an absolute and utter mandatory necessity for the power we need to manifest the dream of a bright future for not only the generations following, but us right here and now in these next few decades. The time is now, the change is here, this is it. Are you ready? The principles of creation, taught in Wisdom from King Solomon and other books to be released, gives us the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to bring our goals to fruition.

By bringing attention to the restoration of our family through conscious relationship building, we are able to generate true peace within the core of our lives, and from that vitality we will derive the strength, inspiration, passion and initiative to be successful in all our endeavors.

Ultimately, my highest vision for the future of the community I want to be a part of, is one based on the contribution of each of our inherent gifts, rather than one based on monetary exchange.

About five years ago, I was surprised to find an organization promoting the same values I’ve held for more than two decades, the One Small Town initiative. Originating in 2005, it is a simple plan to turn our small towns into places of abundance and prosperity for all the people, a system in which there are no hurdles to progress or restrictions on personal growth of the people, communities that will support and promote unbridled creative expression in all areas of our lives – arts, culture, science, technology, healthcare, environment, architecture, agriculture, and all other areas of human activity. It’s a a new system in which we turn competition into collaboration, a new society in which we all benefit from our collective efforts and individual talents. This is all done by basically forming a cooperative of businesses within a town, through which everyone who contributes three hours a week receives their share of everything that all the businesses in the cooperative produce, as well as a share of the profits made from selling to others not a part of the cooperative or through export. This is a well-thought-through, brilliant plan to free people from economic slavery and I am 100% in support of it. Its principles align in perfect harmony with The Strong Foundation.

I have three other projects active right now, as well, related to soul, body, and community.

In 2018, I was authorized by Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Adishakti Satigiri Maharaj of Kedarnath, Himalayas, India, to give instruction for Meditation on the Inner Light and Sound, as well as to speak publicly about these spiritual principles. I began providing meditation instruction for others in 2020, I now host a weekly meditation group for practitioners. I also give monthly public Satsangs (spiritual talks) open to the public. Meditation instruction and all events I hold for Shiv Shakti Yoga are given free of cost. Anyone of any religion or spiritual practice or no religion or spiritual practice at all can learn this meditation practice. The path of Shiv Shakti Yoga is not a new religion to subscribe to. You do not have to leave anything behind that you already practice. Rather, this meditation will only deepen your connection to your current spiritual disciplines even more. If you don’t engage in spiritual disciplines, it will deepen your connection to and better your life itself even more. Whether or not anyone “believes” in God or whatever way God has been presented to them in their lifetime, we all have a Source of Life. Everything has a Source. It is this Source of Life that we can build a stronger connection with and thereby have our entire life blessed and uplifted with energy and consciousness.

In 2020, I launched a campaign for Natural People’s Rights. Everyone has the right to live and exist as a natural person on the Earth, if they choose, in whatever way they choose. In modern times, when corporations seek to monopolize entire areas of our lives for profit, natural people have come under attack. Smear campaigns have been launched to convince the public that existing in our natural state is a danger to others. This is a movement to stand up for natural people or anyone and everyone who makes any natural lifestyle choice.

Just this year, in 2022, I partnered with Awake Healer to make indigenous plant medicines available through this website, sustainably, ethically, fair-trade and sourced in a way that encourages biodiversity and protects wildlife. You’ll find pure Ayahuasca (Bainsteriospsis Caapi) Vine Extract (does not contain DMT), Ceremonial Cacao from the Amazon region of Ecuador, and Hapé, which is a preparation of powdered medicinal herbs.

There are endless visions are avenues we can take to secure a bright future. I look forward to creating it with you!

Make sure to subscribe for updates via the form below! and add the.strongfoundation@icloud.com to your email contact list so that my emails arrive in your inbox and not your spam folder. Let’s stay connected! You will receive no more than one newsletter a week. I personally get annoyed myself at getting too many emails every day from people promoting what they do. It only makes me want to pay less attention to what they’re doing. I definitely promise to respect your email inbox.

Please stay in touch! Thank you so much for your interest in The Strong Foundation.

With Much Love,

One Love ∞ One Heart ∞ Unity ∞ Strength



From Soul Whisper to Katyayani