Truth Shall Spring Out of the Earth
Word Sound Power Elixir of Truth, Love & Light
A Psalm a day keeps the fear away!
I invite you to join me in chanting a Psalm today, selected according to the Lion of Judah Society's Daily Psalm Readings guide. Recited in Iyaric (mystical variation of English), this is your daily dose of upliftment. This Word Sound Power is a sweet meditation that provides a healing balm for your heart, mind & soul, imparting strength for whatever challenges may come. Love is the strongest power!
"Paths to Higher Elevations" by
Katyayani & the Arrows of Light
“Ukiyo” by Deebu
Music is copyright-free for Content Creators for use on YouTube as long as the artist is credited in the description.
Why I Chant Psalms in Iyaric
These Psalms are chanted in Iyaric, a mystical version of English, a.k.a. The Language of Rastafari. I choose to chant them in this way because Iyaric brings out the true meaning and power of Psalms, and because the English-translated versions of the book of Psalms have a lot of, what I refer to as, slavery-mentality language and interpretation which seems to come from the idea that we are supposed to follow God’s law just for the sake of obeying a God who is mighty and more powerful than us who can strike us down at any time. That is by far, NOT my relationship with Jah, my Source of Life.
I do my best to translate this dark interpretation of King David’s words into poetry that is filled with the Light of Truth ~ our Source of Life simply wants us to live well in this life and beyond, like any good Mother & Father would, and loves us. Jah Natural Laws of Creation are NOT merely commandments for us to obey, they are the principles of creation, cause, and effect, which, if we are conscious of, we can make choices that lead to the results we want in life. They are the principles of creating communities united by love. We cannot override the laws of nature ~ fire burns, ice freezes, and no community can be united and strong if we are lying to each other, cheating, and taking advantage of each other out of selfishness, etc. This is the true purpose of these ancient scriptures ~ to inform us about what the ancients have learned about how to flourish and thrive on this earth and beyond.
For more information on Iyaric, I recommend the book series, Itations of Jamaica and I Rastafari by Millard Faristzaddi which you can purchase here or read at the Internet Archive.
I studied all of Millard Faristzaddi’s books in 1999 and was able to get in touch with him in 2002 as I was seeking a way to publish my own book, “Wisdom from King Solomon”, and he was very supportive and encouraging. My book was finally published in 2006 and you can find here.
Some examples of alternate Iyaric words I use in these Psalms:
“The Lord” is replaced with “Jah”
“We” or “Our” is replaced with “I and I” which refers to the divinity of our Source of Life within us all, and also how we are all One, reinforcing the idea that we should love and treat each other just as well as we want to be loved and treated.
“Conversation” would be replaced with “I’versation” since “con” means to deceive or trick someone. Do we really want to have CON-verse-ations? Or I’versations?
“Consider” and many words that begin with “con” are replaced with “I’sider” for the same reason, to promote Truth, not lies.
“The negative power gives us poison so that we may die but we give elixir to the negative power so that it may die. So the negative power dies with elixir and it gives us poison, really so that we may die. So it gives us hardships, problems, and troubles; then we are troubled and full of problems and difficulties and diseases and so many other things. But we are to fight with the weapons of love, peace, and enjoyment, and when we are using these weapons, we are enjoying, and as we are going on enjoying, the negativity is going to be conquered, and gets weaker and weaker.”