10% OFF Astrogeomantic Readings Now thru January 29
Happy New Year! We just welcomed the start of 2025, but in nature, the New Year begins later this month on Jan 29th with the first new moon of spring. The spring equinox in March is actually the peak of spring, not the beginning. Spring is already in full bloom by the time the equinox arrives. The very first whispers of spring will start to stir, this year, on January 29th.
If you'd like to find out how your prana will be interacting with the prana of the earth this upcoming sun cycle and what the resulting opportunities and challenges are that lie in store for you, I'm offering 10% OFF all my Astrogeomantic Readings now through Jan 29. Just click the button above and use the discount code:
Also referred to as Zi Wei Dou Shu, Astrogeomancy is one of the 8 Rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
This knowledge of nature's cyclical patterns, which we are a part of, was passed on, generation through generation over thousands of years, to my teacher, Taoist Master, Liu Ming. It was a part of the professional certification program I graduated from at Golden Gate School of Feng Shui in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Readings can be conducted by phone or online video conference,
and/or you can choose to have your reading recorded and sent to you, and/or put into a 12-page, bound report and emailed or mailed to you.
As you checkout through my website, you'll be asked for your birth date, birth time, and birth place. Zi Wei Dou Shu is accurate all the way to the 2-hour window of your birth.
Aren't you curious to learn more about what these ancient Taoist masters knew about how nature has a tendency to express itself during that 2-hour window of time you were expressed into the world?
Together, we can look through that window of time at the patterns manifesting through the earth's natural cycles during your birth and learn so much more about who you are, your potential, and what opportunities and challenges await you.