Soul Whisper Consulting
Classical Feng Shui & Eco-Regenerative Design
Create an environment in tune with nature.
Complete classical feng shui consultation, combined with eco-regenerative design principles that includes a full assessment of your home or workplace and a report of short-term and long-term recommendations that take into account your time & budget. Conducted in-person, on location. General advice in classical feng shui & eco-regenerative design also available via phone or video conference.
Classical feng shui is one of the eight rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It deals with how our environments affect our health and prosperity. It has been used for thousands of years to adjust living environments in a way that makes them the most supportive for the people inhabiting them to live the most fulfilled, harmonious, prosperous lives, opening doorways of opportunities to accomplish goals and dreams. Feng Shui can help you maximize your potential for relationships, business success, good health, prosperity, and peace-of-mind by working with nature.
This complete classical feng shui consultation, combined with Eco-Regenerative Design Principles, includes a full assessment of your space - layout, placement of furniture, rooms and overall form, as well as the topography on which your home or business resides. Your consultation will also include a map of how energy, chi or prana flow within and around your home, with elemental harmonizing suggestions; a type of acupressure for your space known as "Flying Star"; natural building consulting; green home evaluation; space clearing; an analysis of your most auspicious personal orientations; astrogeomantic reading; date selection and color selection.
A classical feng shui consultation must be conducted in-person, on location and is not currently available right now. However, general advice in classical feng shui & eco-regenerative design is currently available via phone or video conference.
To inquire about a future on-site classical feng shui consultation, email me.
For more detailed information about classical feng shui and what it can do for you:
On-site Classical Feng Shui Consultations are offered as a two-part program, usually completed within two weeks, with follow-up for three months.
General advice in classical feng shui & eco-regenerative design is offered by phone or video in 20 minute or 1-hour increments.
Before your consultation
Follow the link included here to schedule your consultation, where you will be prompted to fill in a questionnaire and give two preferences for a day and time for your consultation. I will email you to confirm a day and time, as well as provide you with your call-in number or Zoom link, whichever you choose.
I will then examine the information you provide and conduct the necessary calculations, depending on the extent of services you request. Services available for general advice are:
Form analysis & general guidelines for placement of objects such as furniture, etc.
Compass analysis of your floor plan &/or site plan and orientation of the building in which your home or workplace resides on the planet
Topographical analysis
Determination of your Ming Gua Trigrams for your personal auspicious orientations. Click here for more information.
Astrogeomantic analysis of your nature & tendencies. Click here for more information.
Natural building information & resources
Deep green home or business analysis
Color selection
Date selection
Real estate consulting for the sale of a home or business, as well as when choosing the most optimal place to buy or rent
During your consultation
You have the option of having your consultation recorded and emailed to you to download within 24 hours of your session.
I will provide you with general advice, based on classical feng shui & eco-regenerative design principles, focusing on the areas you have chosen, as well as answer any questions you might have.
After your consultation
If you have chosen to have your reading recorded, it will be emailed to you to download within 24 hours of your consultation.
You may ask any additional questions you may think of, via email, for up to three days following your 20 minute consultation or up to 7 days following your 1-hour or longer consultation(s).
Before your consultation
Follow the link included here to schedule your consultation, where you will be prompted to fill in a questionnaire and give two preferences for a day and time for your our first meeting. I will email you to confirm a day and time. You can expect each meeting to last anywhere from 1 1/2 - 3 hours, depending on the size and scope of your project. A deposit is required to book your consultation, refundable up to 48 hours before the time of your scheduled consultation. The cost of a classical feng shui consultation is dependent upon the size of the space, number of rooms and number of people involved.
I will then examine all of the information you have provided in your questionnaire, analyzing the land formations that your home or business reside upon with Google Earth. I will also take a look at your astrogeomantic charts.
During your first session
I will come to your home or business, interview you, walk through and around your home or business, take notes and photos and return to my office to analyze and make assessments.
During your second session
Our second meeting is usually scheduled about two weeks following the first. After writing a detailed report to present to you, I will meet with you again at your home or business and present you with a series of recommendations based on your individual situation and budget. Your recommendations will be beautifully bound into a full recommendation report with the most auspicious dates selected for making your feng shui adjustments included. If you have opted to also have your astrogeomantic chart(s) completed and analyzed, it/they will also be included with an optional report on it/those.
After your consultation
I will follow up with you by phone every two weeks for three months following our second meeting, to offer support and guidance and answer any questions that may have come up for you during the process.
You can also contact me to set up a FREE initial phone consultation so you can see if my services are right for you. In your 5 minute free phone consultation, we will briefly discuss what your goals and challenges are, and I will answer any questions you might have.
Ready to schedule your Feng Shui Consultation?