Conscious Relationship Building
Weekly Support for Implementing Phamily Foundations’ 7-Step Blueprint for Building a Strong Foundation for a Lasting, Loving Relationship with a Life Partner
with Relationship Coach, Katyayanibetha, CFSC
This support group is included in our Mastery of Love and Artisan of Love Relationship Foundation Blueprint Programs, or sign up for the weekly Support Group alone for just $45 a month. Available from the comfort of your own home via Zoom video conferencing.
That’s what we tell ourselves to do.
But how are you supposed to be disciplined when your heartstrings are resounding with the love you feel for someone who is right in front of you and they’re just so incredibly beautiful and amazing?
If you are like most people, attraction can tend to take over and you can make spur of the moment decisions that might not be the best for creating the lasting relationship that you want in your life.
Maybe you jumped into things too soon and then it feels like you’re not getting the attention you desire from the other person.
There’s an underlying persistent voice that causes you to worry if they’ll stick around.
What if there was a way to overcome all the worry and stress?
So that you could create the relationship of your dreams, where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are absolutely loved by your partner and that he or she will be there for you when you need them? a way to create a solid bond between you of mutual love and support?
That’s what Conscious Relationship Building is all about, and it’s why I created the Relationship Foundation Blueprint.
The problem is:
We just don’t have enough knowledge about how to create the kind of relationship we really want in our lives. We think that with just enough willpower, we can make it work.
We aren’t exactly sure how we are supposed to go about creating the relationship of our dreams.
We think that relationships are supposed to be hard work.
Most of us were brought up with movies, media, and fairytales that make it look like all you have to do is meet your Princess or Prince Charming and if you’re appearance is beautiful enough, we’ll live happily ever after.
However, in a relationship, you can work very hard at it, go to relationship therapists or marriage counselors, try non-violent communication or other classes – and if you didn’t take the time and necessary steps to build a strong foundation for your relationship first BEFORE entering into it – it can still seem impossible to “make things work”.
That’s because no matter what kind of therapy or what experiences you’ve had – no one really teaches you how to build the foundation of your relationship – how to sustain lasting love.
Thankfully - there is a way to create lasting love – a natural process that allows you to:
Prevent faults in the foundation of your relationship by working with the nature of your own body, consciously making choices in consideration of the way your brain operates when you are first in love that allows you to build a strong foundation for a lasting, happy, loving relationship
Permit your body to build a complete neural network connected to your partner so you can live as one, in complete love and care for each other
Eliminate unnecessary stress and strain that causes you to feel like you have to work so hard at things to keep your relationship from falling apart
Conscious Relationship Building
Get the support you need to build a strong foundation for a loving, lasting relationship with a life partner
One Hour EVERY MONDAY @ 5 PM Pacific Time
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This support group is included in our Mastery of Love & Artisan of Love Programs,
or you can sign up for this weekly support group alone for just $45 a month
Imagine being able to experience your days and nights with someone who you are sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, loves and cares for you genuinely, who you know you can rely on, and with whom you can discuss anything without the strain and stress of arguments.
Imagine genuine trust and care in your relationship. You can finally sit back and enjoy your life in love with your family because you don’t have to worry about conflict arising. You can live your life without guilt and shame.
And the best part is, the feelings and appreciation are mutual between you.
In this support group, you can get the support you need to stick to the methods taught in the Conscious Relationship Foundation Blueprint so that you can build a life of love.
What People Are Saying
“I just want to thank you so much for the call last night. The information was very compelling. I had such an epiphany both receiving the information and hearing the reflections from the others. I feel a new-found resolve to protect my boundless heart! I loved your pointing out how the goddesses/deities all have shields! I would love to explore this more with you; further reflections feel too deep for email. I just want you to know I’m so grateful for these life-changing insights.”
— Kassandra, San Rafael, California
“Your work and transmission are so awesome, and I feel blessed that it all worked out. It’s as if your wisdom of relationships is what I’ve been waiting for lifetimes to receive.”
— Mymuna, San Anselmo, California
Creating a Loving, Lasting Relationship Requires Knowing the Right Steps - and Then Doing Them in the Right Order.
And those steps are way simpler than you think.
Are you ready to receive the support you need to step into the relationship of your dreams?
You’ve tried to make a great relationship by becoming a better communicator, compromising, and listening to your partner’s needs.
The problem isn’t your effort and discipline. You aren’t doing anything wrong. In fact, please stop beating yourself up, right now.
The problem is that no one really taught us how to create a loving, lasting relationship. We were just told, “be good to each other” or “don’t argue.” Most of us had examples of parents that didn’t know how to sustain a loving relationship either. Many of us witnessed our parents go through a divorce as children.
While hard work may work for some, and others may have just gotten lucky, most of us end up worrying about our relationships at some point and wonder how we can be better, or ruminate over how we wish our partner could be better.
The Secret is in the Relationship Foundation Blueprint
Did you know when there’s peace and happiness in your relationship that you can be more productive, creative, vibrant, and healthy?
Sign Up for the Support Group Now
Receive the support you need to build the relationship of your dreams.

Katyayanibetha is an authorized instructor of Shiv Shakti Yoga, a form of Antar Yoga. She is a Pracharak for Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Maa Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj of Kedarnath, Himalayas, India. She has been studying and practicing Antar Yoga in the practice of Inner Light & Sound Meditation since 2004, at which time she was initiated by Sant Thakar Singh into the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga.
Katyayani is also a professionally certified classical feng shui practitioner, having graduated from Golden Gate School of Feng Shui in 2009. Classical feng shui is one of the eight rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through this year-long 260-hour hands-on certification program, she learned an ancient, natural method for determining compatibility and gaining insight into the nature of one’s character and tendencies from the renowned Taoist Master, Liu Ming.
Phamily Foundations’ method of building a lasting & happy relationship with a life partner draws upon many principles of Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other ancient wisdom traditions, along with modern Neuroscience. When put into practice, this knowledge can be life-changing.
Katyayani created Phamily Foundations to be a valuable tool in building a strong foundation for two people to successfully live their lives as one, in unity and in love that only grows with the tests of time.
“I was first struck with the vision of Phamily Foundations in 2008 on the first day I was in class with Liu Ming at the beautiful location in nature the Bay Conference Center resides upon on Paradise Drive in Marin County, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. There’s a reason that road is named Paradise Drive; the natural views there are divine. On that first day of class, I was inspired to take some of the basic principles used throughout all eight rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine and apply them to creating ceremonies for two people who want to spend their lives together. My dream only grew and developed after that, and in 2013, my vision for Phamily Foundations became complete, through inner vision and different gems of knowledge that happened to cross my path. I am excited to share this knowledge with the world and to help people form regenerative, loving relationships established on a strong foundation that’s built to last. The foundation of our community is the family, so this is a vital part of creating a vibrant and healthy future for all.
“Much of what enabled me to develop this natural method of building a strong foundation for a life partnership came from my meditations and other spiritual teachings. I practiced Surat Shabd Yoga and Inner Light & Sound Meditation for ten years after being initiated by Sant Thakar Singh in 2004. It was through his mission that I connected with Mahamandaleshwar Maa Adishakti and received her initiation in 2014. Guru Maa gave us some additional practices for meditation that remarkably give us a powerful ability to cultivate Shakti (energy) more easily and therefore make greater progress in cultivating consciousness (Shiv) within us. Thanks to Guru Maa, I literally achieved more in one year through meditation than I had achieved in the previous ten years, by far.
“In 2016, Guru Maa gave me the spiritual name, Katyayani (pronounced Kaht-yah-eye-nee), my full name being Katyayanibetha, Daughter of Durga. I am named after The Goddess of Love, Maa Katyayani, whom people have prayed to for millennia for a good life partner and a happy and peaceful married life. Maa sees everything from within, and she must have seen that this would be a part of my life’s work. I am immensely grateful to Maa for all that She has given me and all that she does for all of us. I am also thankful that I can do this work on the Earth, share this knowledge, and help as many people as I possibly can.”
With Love,
Schedule a FREE initial consultation by phone or Zoom.
In your free consultation, I will help you discover if this knowledge could be useful to you, and answer any questions you might have.
Ready to receive the support you need for creating lasting love in your life?

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