I’ve taken the knowledge of the natural process we go through when we find ourselves in love and turned these 7 steps into an easy-to-follow blueprint that anyone can implement for building a strong foundation for a loving, lasting relationship with a life partner. This powerful, year-long program utilizes this 7-step blueprint to repair the faults in the foundation of your relationship, creating a life for both of you that’s free of unnecessary stress and strain, fortifying your love for a lifetime.
Fortify your love for a lifetime

Do you already have a life partner, but are experiencing problems that threaten the longevity of your relationship? Often this is due to faults in the foundation of the relationship that occur from incomplete bonds in one or more of the chakra centers. I can help you dig down to the foundation of your relationship, acquire the tools necessary to make the repairs, and then build a strong foundation to establish your whole world together. Based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology, this is not counseling or talk therapy. While ongoing discussions are a part of this, the primary focus is on disciplines designed to create new neural pathways in your brains and a complete bond with one another.
I’ve designed this program to make it as simple as possible for you to implement and get results, although it does require a level of commitment and discipline in order to work. You’ll have the opportunity to create the kind of relationship you’ve always wanted with your life partner within a year. This program is right for you, if:
You have a genuine love for each other and earnestly want to find solutions to the problems that are threatening to break your relationship apart.
You are committed to your life partner and repairing your relationship.
You have the capacity for a level of discipline that makes it possible for you to adhere to the things you need to do in order to repair your relationship and achieve the results you want.
Neither you nor your partner exhibits a narcissistic personality style. Both partners must have the same goal for this to work, meaning you both must genuinely desire what’s best for each other and to get both of your needs met. If one or both partners only care about their own needs with no regard for the other’s and has a habit of manipulating their partner to get their own needs met at their partner’s expense, then it’s impossible to repair the relationship.
You want to be taken by the hand and shown exactly what to do to build a strong foundation for a loving, lasting relationship with your life partner!
What would it feel like if you finally had the relationship of your dreams? So you could finally move through your days and nights without conflict and tension, feel genuinely appreciated, loved, and cared for mutually by your life partner, and stop worrying about your relationship.
Isn’t it time that you really started seeing the results of having a solid, loving, and genuinely caring relationship ripple throughout your world to every aspect of your life? So that at the end of your life, you know that you’ve lived and loved to your fullest, impacted others through the positive example you set, and created a legacy of love together.

Relationship Foundation Repair is a 2-part, 48-week program where you will meet live with Katyayani via Zoom each week, and which includes a weekly support group, Astrogeomantic charts and Elemental Pranic Readings for each of you, a printed workbook, and everything you need to repair the foundation of your relationship, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Antar Yoga, and knowledge of Neurobiology. The program takes place over the course of a year, so you can take a total of 4 weeks off from the program at any time you want for family or other commitments, and those weeks can be taken off all at once, or during different times throughout that year, whatever works best for you. Schedule your private sessions at your convenience.
Unlike other programs that teach tricks and hints, the beauty of Relationship Foundation Repair is that I designed it as a step-by-step process that works to repair the foundation of your relationship, remove faults formed through incomplete bonding at your chakra centers, and build your relationship again from the ground up.
I realize that maybe you’ve tried to do some things to help your relationship – like see a couples therapist or marriage counselor, take non-violent communication courses or other programs that teach better communication skills – and it didn’t work as well as you needed it to, so you are shy about trying something new.
Phamily Foundations Relationship Foundation Repair Program is like no other you’ve ever seen. We work at solving the problems that threaten your relationship from their root, rather than merely attempting to fix the issues that arise because of the problems. We work at the foundation of your relationship so issues don’t keep arising again and again – and this is done with the knowledge of Neurobiology and working with the nature of how your body, heart, and mind work from the very neural network of your brain!
By the time you finish this program, you will have built a strong foundation for a loving, lasting relationship with your life partner. You’ll also have a custom plan in hand for when unforeseen issues arise in the future.
When you work together and follow the step-by-step instructions that I give you, if you are committed and disciplined, you will get results. You can learn everything you need to know from the comfort of your own home via Zoom. So if you’ve been trying to figure out how to save your relationship, I’ve got a plan for you.
This can work for any relationship (as long as neither of you is high in narcissistic traits). It’s a simple plan, patterned after nature, to repair the foundation of your relationship, rekindle the love between you, and give you back the joy and excitement about each other that you had at the beginning, with a solid foundation for making that last for the rest of your lives.
From the comfort of your own home via Zoom we will meet each week, at a time that you can schedule that’s most convenient for you, for 48 live sessions with Katyayani over the course of 1 year. You will receive guidance in getting to the root of the problems that threaten the longevity of your relationship and then rebuilding the foundation of your relationship, with a natural method based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Antar Yoga, and Neurobiology
A one-year membership to our weekly support group, which you can also attend from the comfort of your own home via Zoom, through which you can receive support from a group of people with similar goals and ask Katyayani any questions you might have. Occurs every Monday at 5 PM Pacific. Attendance is never obligatory. Time Zone Converter
A printed workbook will be mailed to each of you that details everything you’ll be learning over the course of the year, including the 7 steps to building a lasting relationship, sacral education, instruction in how to reason instead of argue, and more. You will each also receive a digital copy in PDF format
3 SOS calls or emails for each of you, per 6-month period (total of 6 SOS calls each [12 for both of you] over the course of the year)
Register for our VIP Experience and receive double the time spent in your private sessions! 1-hour private sessions with Katyayani for each of you, every week, for the first half of the program (instead of 1/2 hour with each of you each week). Then, during the second half of the program, we’ll all meet together for 2-hour sessions each week (rather than one hour).
An Astrogeomantic chart will be created for both you and your partner and mailed to you along with your workbook. Also known as Zi Wei Du Shu, this ancient form of Chinese Astrology can determine the elemental makeup of your pranic field by analyzing the patterns in nature’s cycles that were being expressed during the two-hour window of time that you were also born and expressed into the world, and evaluate the resulting inclinations and capacities these cyclical patterns have a tendency to exhibit, based on observations made over thousands of years, originating with Taoist masters and passed down from generation to generation over millennia. Your astrogeomantic chart provides valuable and accurate insight into the nature of your being. Astrogeomancy has customarily always been used to assess compatibility between two people who are considering spending their lives together. Traditionally, if a man wanted to propose to a woman, the very first thing he would do would be to present his Astrogeomantic Chart to her parents to examine. Find out more about Astrogeomantic Readings here.
(Value: $400)
Discover the elemental makeup of your pranic field. I’ll analyze the patterns in nature’s cycles that were being expressed during the two-hour window of time that you were also born and expressed into the world with Astrogeomancy, an ancient practice taught to me by Taoist Master, Liu Ming. I'll then communicate my findings to you in easy-to-understand terms, utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory. This provides powerful, practical insight into your nature, tendencies, and your compatibility as a couple. Learn more about Elemental Pranic Readings here.
(Value: $194)
Right at the start of the program, you will each receive this surprise bonus in the mail. This bonus is an important component for a successful repair of the foundation of your relationship.
(Value: $300)
Here’s what you’ll accomplish in this
48-week live online program for repairing the foundation of your relationship:
Part 1
The first part of this 2-part program is 24 weeks long. As stated above, for this program to work, you have to have a high level of commitment and discipline and be willing to do whatever it takes to repair your relationship. We will be rebuilding the foundation of your relationship over the course of a year, to make it strong enough to support a happy and peaceful life together for the rest of your lives.
This Relationship Foundation Repair Program is NOT simply about talking through your problems and sorting them out. While it’s also important to identify any challenges you’re having so that we can together rebuild the foundation of your relationship, this cannot adequately be done merely by talking and strategizing solutions. Without actually repairing the foundation of your relationship which quite literally takes place in the neural network of your brains, problems will still eventually rise again from the faults in the foundation of your relationship that shake it up and threaten the longevity of your partnership. We will be working with the nature of your own bodies through a specific sequence of events based on our 7-Step Blueprint for Building a Lasting Relationship with a Loving Life Partner to create the right conditions through which any faults that formed from incomplete bonding can be repaired.
If you are willing to follow the disciplines required for the repair of the foundation of your relationship to be successful over the course of the year we work together, staying committed to what’s required and each other, then you have a really good chance of forming a more complete bond with each other, repairing the faults in the foundation of your relationship, and not only eliminating the problems you’ve been experiencing but also creating a beautiful life together that you can enjoy without feeling like your relationship consists of so much hard work. When the right conditions are met, your brains are able to just do what they do naturally. You are designed by nature to form a loving, lasting bond with a life partner that can stand the test of time.
There is a very specific method to this process. While we will be meeting each week to talk, that is only part of the entire formula. I will teach you more about how this works during the program so that you gain full understanding and insight into the entire approach.
The first half of this program includes Sacral Education – how to preserve your sexual energy without suppressing it. You’ll learn why mastering your sexual energy is an important part of the process of repairing the foundation of your relationship. This does not mean you would have to remain celibate during your relationship in order for it to work at all. That’s not what it’s for. However, learning to master your sexual energy so you are in control of it rather than being controlled by it is an important part of the process of repair. The added bonus is that this skill also helps prevent infidelity in a relationship. Sexual energy is very powerful. It’s the force that creates life – entire new human beings, so it’s supposed to be powerful. Without this skill, in the wrong circumstance, sexual energy can overpower our ability to reason and think clearly, causing us to act without considering the consequences of our actions. This is a very important skill to have.
For weeks 2 - 24, I’ll meet with each of you separately to gather the information that we’ll use when we bring you back together for the final 24 weeks of the program. I’ll teach you about our 7-Step Blueprint for Building a Lasting Relationship with a Loving Life Partner and we will utilize this blueprint to unravel whatever problems or challenges you may be facing, so we can address them at their root – which is made possible to achieve by adhering to the methods and disciplines you’ll be following throughout the year-long program, which I will also teach you. You may be surprised at how much easier it is to solve these problems after acquiring some key skills and applying specific disciplines as we begin to deconstruct the old habits and patterns that have formed in the framework of your relationship that was built upon a foundation that contains faults that were created at the start of your relationship. In the first half of this program, we will focus on taking apart that structure of old habits and patterns in order to access your current foundation, and then identifying where those faults lie in addition to making sure you have the knowledge, skills, and disciplines to achieve a complete repair by the end of the year.
Introduction, principles, and helping & hindering factors.
Step by step, each week, we will utilize the 7-Step Relationship Foundation Blueprint to take apart the structure of old habits and patterns you’ve developed together that are contributing to the challenges arising, that threaten the longevity of your relationship, in order to access the current foundation for your relationship, and then identify where the faults in that foundation lie.
We will also take an in-depth look at each of your Astrogeomantic Charts utilizing an ancient method developed and then practiced over thousands of years as one of the 8 Rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This will provide vast insight in identifying each of your inherent natural tendencies, inclinations, capabilities, and resulting opportunities for excelling in what comes naturally to you. This will also allow us to accurately identify areas of your life that naturally pose greater challenges. We all have areas we naturally excel in and areas that are more challenging for us, as nature expresses polarity that creates life, and we are also a part of nature, born from nature’s cycles and the patterns created by those natural cycles, created from the elements of which nature is made up of. You can find more about how Astrogeomancy works here.
In addition, we will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and disciplines required for the best chance possible at achieving your relationship goals and a complete repair of the foundation of your relationship by the end of the year.
Part 2
The second part of this 2-part program is also 24 weeks long. You’ll continue to maintain the disciplines required to achieve your goals, but as we near the end of this half of the program, part of that discipline will relax a little, as we progress toward the last steps of the repair. During this time, we will work on rebuilding the foundation of your relationship, supported by the methods and disciplines I have taught you in the first half of the program.
Continuing to follow the few methods required for the best chance possible of a complete repair with 100% discipline is essential for achieving your relationship goals and cultivating a life together filled with peace, love, unity, and immense happiness to last a lifetime. I will be there for you to guide you in this process all the way through.
SESSIONS 25 - 47
Week by week, we will continue to utilize the 7 Step Relationship Foundation Blueprint to now rebuild the foundation of your relationship – this time consciously working with nature so that it is free of faults that could shake apart your relationship. I will be there to support, guide, and equip you with the knowledge, skills, and insight into the disciplines required to achieve this. Success is ultimately up to you, however, and this is why it is of the utmost importance to stick with the disciplines I will teach you about all the way to the program’s completion for the greatest chance of the best results possible that you can reap the benefits of for the rest of the entirety of your lives.
In this half of the program, we will take another in-depth look at both of your Astrogeomantic Charts utilized by one of the 8 Rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, this time, our focus will be to gain insight into your innate compatibility. Astrogeomantic charts were traditionally used for this purpose for thousands of years by families whose children had reached the age of marriage. If a man went to a woman’s family home to propose marriage, he would bring his Astrogeomantic Chart along with him for her parents to see and evaluate their natural compatibility and the potential for their daughter’s happiness.
We will also review what each of you learned in Sacral Education earlier in the year. We’ll discuss the benefits of retaining the skill you learned to acquire the ability to master your sexual energy, which will greatly support the longevity of your relationship. This skill will also contribute to ensuring your sexual experiences together remain sweet and fulfilling, with the potential for that heightened sweetness to extend longer into your later years than is commonly experienced. Mastering your sexual energy also contributes to health and long life, productivity, creativity, and potency when expressing yourself in any way, whether in conversation with each other, through the arts, or any inclination for natural expression that you may have. Again, if you like, you can learn more about Sacral Education here.
We’ll review and consolidate everything discussed and learned in the previous weeks and I’ll answer any questions you have.
We’ll also celebrate! By now, you should be feeling fresh and renewed in your relationship as well as increased happiness and hope for your future together that is expressed through the major concrete achievement you have made by completing this program and staying committed to the disciplines and methods you have learned and adhered to out of your love and commitment to one another. This is true cause for celebration as you graduate from this year-long program and look forward to a peaceful, and enjoyable future together, built on a solid and strong foundation, free of faults, that has now been built in the neural network of your own brains. Nature will support you in living a wonderful life together, filled with love and true happiness, and an increased capacity for creativity, productivity, and expression since so much energy has been freed up within each of you now that you no longer have to work as hard at keeping your relationship from falling apart. This is not to say that challenges will never arise, as life is full of challenges – but now you have a strong foundation your lives together are built upon, so your relationship is no longer compromised by the first strong wind that rattles the windows. You have a solid foundation for your relationship to stand upon and remain steady. In a healthy relationship built on a strong foundation, challenges serve their natural purpose to help us grow and become closer. Always remember that love is the strongest power, and when you are both willing and have the same goal to ensure each other’s needs are met satisfactorily despite any differing opinions you may have, with care and diligence, any problem can be solved together. By the end of this program, as long as you’ve been paying attention and adhering to your practices, you should now have the skillset to easily face any challenges that arrive in true and complete love, while your joy and appreciation for each and every precious day that you get to spend together reigns over all.
Only $5997
Only $525 per month
I want you to be MORE than satisfied with the knowledge delivered in the Relationship Foundation Repair Program.
I’m giving you until 11 PM Pacific Time on the day we meet for your first session to test-drive the program. That gives you through Class #1 to decide. If for some reason, this course doesn’t seem like it’s going to meet your expectations, we’ll send you questions to prove that you’ve listened to the class. You’ll have 48 hours after that to answer the questions correctly, and assuming you do and you still want a refund, I’ll return 100% of your payment to you in full. You have my word on it!
“I just want to thank you so much for the call last night. The information was very compelling. I had such an epiphany both receiving the information and hearing the reflections from the others. I feel a new-found resolve to protect my boundless heart! I loved your pointing out how the goddesses/deities all have shields! I would love to explore this more with you; further reflections feel too deep for email. I just want you to know I’m so grateful for these life-changing insights.”
“Your work and transmission are so awesome, and I feel blessed that it all worked out. It’s as if your wisdom of relationships is what I’ve been waiting for lifetimes to receive.”

Katyayanibetha is an authorized instructor of Shiv Shakti Yoga, a form of Antar Yoga. She is a Pracharak for Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Maa Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj of Kedarnath, Himalayas, India. She has been studying and practicing Antar Yoga in the practice of Inner Light & Sound Meditation since 2004, at which time she was initiated by Sant Thakar Singh into the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga.
Katyayani is also a professionally certified classical feng shui practitioner, having graduated from Golden Gate School of Feng Shui in 2009. Classical feng shui is one of the eight rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through this year-long 260-hour hands-on certification program, she learned an ancient, natural method for determining compatibility and gaining insight into the nature of one’s character and tendencies from the renowned Taoist Master, Liu Ming.
Phamily Foundations’ method of building a lasting & happy relationship with a life partner draws upon many principles of Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other ancient wisdom traditions, along with modern Neuroscience. When put into practice, this knowledge can be life-changing.
Katyayani created Phamily Foundations to be a valuable tool in building a strong foundation for two people to successfully live their lives as one, in unity and in love that only grows with the tests of time.
“I was first struck with the vision of Phamily Foundations in 2008 on the first day I was in class with Liu Ming at the beautiful location in nature the Bay Conference Center resides upon on Paradise Drive in Marin County, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. There’s a reason that road is named Paradise Drive; the natural views there are divine. On that first day of class, I was inspired to take some of the basic principles used throughout all eight rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine and apply them to creating ceremonies for two people who want to spend their lives together. My dream only grew and developed after that, and in 2013, my vision for Phamily Foundations became complete, through inner vision and different gems of knowledge that happened to cross my path. I am excited to share this knowledge with the world and to help people form regenerative, loving relationships established on a strong foundation that’s built to last. The foundation of our community is the family, so this is a vital part of creating a vibrant and healthy future for all.
“Much of what enabled me to develop this natural method of building a strong foundation for a life partnership came from my meditations and other spiritual teachings. I practiced Surat Shabd Yoga and Inner Light & Sound Meditation for ten years after being initiated by Sant Thakar Singh in 2004. It was through his mission that I connected with Mahamandaleshwar Maa Adishakti and received her initiation in 2014. Guru Maa gave us some additional practices for meditation that remarkably give us a powerful ability to cultivate Shakti (energy) more easily and therefore make greater progress in cultivating consciousness (Shiv) within us. Thanks to Guru Maa, I literally achieved more in one year through meditation than I had achieved in the previous ten years, by far.
“In 2016, Guru Maa gave me the spiritual name, Katyayani (pronounced Kaht-yah-eye-nee), my full name being Katyayanibetha, Daughter of Durga. I am named after The Goddess of Love, Maa Katyayani, whom people have prayed to for millennia for a good life partner and a happy and peaceful married life. Maa sees everything from within, and she must have seen that this would be a part of my life’s work. I am immensely grateful to Maa for all that She has given me and all that she does for all of us. I am also thankful that I can do this work on the Earth, share this knowledge, and help as many people as I possibly can.”
With Love,
Fortify your love for a lifetime.
ONLY $5997 or $525 a month
I look forward to helping you repair the foundation of your relationship and fortify your love so it lasts. If you’ve been struggling with your relationship and are afraid things won’t work out, but you really want them to, I’ll provide you with the support you need to carry out this natural process of getting to the root of the problem and then rebuilding the foundation for your lives together, step by step.
With much love and appreciation,
Schedule a FREE initial consultation by phone or Zoom.
In your free consultation, I will help you discover if this knowledge could be useful to you, and answer any questions you might have.
Ready to find lasting love?

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