Is “Sin” the Absence of Love?
“New Pioneers” by Mark Henson
In many spiritual traditions, you’ll hear and read about “sin” - but what is “sin” exactly? In the dictionary, “sin” is defined as, “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law” and “an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offense, or omission”, or “to offend against God, a person, or a principle”.
In the songs I've written and the books I have and will publish. I write about The Natural Laws of Creation all the time, which is a more exact and palatable way of putting this natural principle than the slave-mentality-language the Bible has been translated to, such as "The Ten Commandments" a.k.a. “Do What I Say or Else”.
Too many people seem to think the reason they should follow these natural laws and not “sin” is just for the sake of obeying God and doing what they are told. Many fail to see the principle behind it or how it will benefit their life and community.
Most often, I'll refer to “sin” as “harm” or something similar, for the same reason - to make it more palatable so that people can actually hear what’s being said because the word “sin” has been adulterated in the same way - as if what makes it 'bad' is merely someone not doing what they are told, rather than the principle behind it.
What is the principle behind the meaning of “sin”? That which causes harm. That's basically it - harm to others or ourselves. Some people have a hard time understanding why promiscuity, for example, can cause harm, or even how lying can cause harm, but yet find it easier to see how killing someone causes harm of course, but may still support capital punishment, however. That's because most people have nothing to contrast these things with when everyone around them is doing them. They rarely get to come in contact with someone who has cultivated the energy and consciousness that comes from preserving their sexual energy and telling the truth in all circumstances no matter what, for example. Even if someone does come into contact with someone who has cultivated these things, they have to have cultivated themselves enough to even be able to perceive the difference, as well. There is a broad spectrum of levels of perception. How much energy and consciousness someone has cultivated determines their level and the ability for perception - for simply just being able to see and observe what is within and around them in creation.
Part of my life's work is to promote these principles, these natural laws of creation, for it is in following these natural laws that we are able to work WITH nature to achieve our highest potential and goals in life. Spiritual principles are NOT merely mechanisms of control. They serve to guide us toward living a happy, fulfilling, long life and for creating deep connections between us, for cultivating the highest levels of love in our communities. Love is the strongest power. Love created everything, sustains everything, and transforms everything. The natural laws of creation are the seeds of love in our community. They are the ABCs of living in harmony with each other, with the earth, the universe, and ourselves. The more of us there are that can master these natural laws of creation, the faster the Golden Age will dawn upon the Earth.
May we cultivate a love so strong that no other force in creation can conquer it. Love conquers all. Love nourishes all. Love uplifts us all. It is love that will transform everything into its highest potential. Let’s cultivate the strongest love between us all, for this is the foundation of producing the most wonderful future on Planet Earth that any of us can imagine.
“The natural laws of creation are not limitations; they are paths to higher elevations!”