Chakra is an old Sanskrit term meaning 'wheel' or 'circle' and is generally used to reference specific energy centers along the body's meridian. These centers are also where we have a high concentration of blood flow in our bodies.
There are six chakra points within the body, although some systems include one or two extra points, as in the seventh chakra which lies above the head.
The earliest mention of Chakras appears to come from the Vedas that form the Hindu scriptures. There is also mention of energy points from a variety of traditions, such as within Traditional Chinese Medicine, or in the Jewish Kabala when the Sephiroth are overlaid on the body.
Most systems that use energetic points also tend to approach from a standpoint of balancing the points, since all of the points are valuable and important. The energy is often described as moving up from the root, to the crown and up into heaven, and back down through the crown, to the root, and down into the earth. The energy moves in two directions at once.
Energy Centers Within the Body
Root Chakra
The First Chakra, located between the genitals and the anus, is considered the root chakra, and is associated with the connection to Earth, security, foundation, and basic rootedness. It is also sometimes considered a place of potentiality and beginnings.
Sacral Chakra
The Second Chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, is located at the groin, and is associated with sexuality, partnership (both non-romantic and romantic), and creativity. In some ways it can be thought of in terms of the Chinese Yin and Yang symbol, where you have both the masculine and the feminine energies partnering together to form a whole.
Solar Plexus
The Third Chakra is located at the solar plexus and is essentially the will center. This is the place where we move our will out onto the world in order to manifest those things we intend to create in our lives.
Heart Chakra
The Fourth Chakra is located at the heart and is related to love and feeling. In some systems, the heart is considered to have two sides, the masculine and the feminine. The masculine side (right) is about the unconditional love of others, and the feminine side (left) is about the unconditional love of self.
Throat Chakra
The Fifth Chakra is located at the throat and is about communication and the voice. This is the place of the communication of ideas, and concepts, and speaking your personal truth, as well as expression and creativity – bringing forth the gifts you have to share with the world.
Third Eye Chakra
The Sixth Chakra is located at the position of the third eye and is related to sight. It corresponds physically with the pineal gland. We have five senses to experience the world outwardly, as well as the 'third eye' to experience the inner regions from where everything in the outer world emanates from. This sensory organ becomes dormant when our attention is overly engrossed in the outer world but can become 'reawakened' with help and attentive practice. It is also known as the ‘seat of the soul’ from which our consciousness observes and participates in the world through our bodies, as well as the 'tenth door' through which our Souls enter and exit the body.
Crown Chakra
The Seventh Chakra is known as the crown chakra. Despite popular belief, this chakra is not actually located within the body. There are six chakras within the body, the uppermost being the Third Eye, or the 10th Door that a Soul traverses in and out of the body through. The 7th Chakra, located outside of the body, is associated with the connection to higher planes of consciousness.
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