Relationship Foundation Blueprint
Live, private programs for building a strong foundation for a lasting relationship with a life partner through a natural, 7-step process, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Includes Sacral Education & a weekly support group. Available via Zoom.
Conscious Relationship Building Private Consultations
Private consultations in 20m, 40m & 1h increments that you can schedule individually, or save by choosing a private consultation package. Receive instruction in a natural, 7-step process for building a lasting & happy relationship with a life partner, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Neurobiology. Available via Zoom.
Relationship Foundation Repair
Private, live program designed for couples experiencing troubles, but who are committed to repairing the faults in the foundation of their relationship to stay together in love & true happiness. This year-long program requires discipline & rebuilds the foundation of a relationship utilizing a natural, 7-step process, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Neurobiology. Available via Zoom.
Conscious Relationship Building
Live programs where you can gain the knowledge & skills you need to build a strong foundation for a lasting & happy relationship with a life partner. Learn how to implement our 7-step blueprint, patterned after nature, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Available from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.
7-Step Relationship Foundation Blueprint
24-Week Private Program
This is our full, 6-month-long mastery program designed to equip those who are truly committed to building a strong foundation for a lasting and happy relationship with a life partner for success, offered privately, one-on-one, so you can schedule sessions at your convenience. You will receive instruction in implementing our 7-step blueprint for building a strong foundation for a lasting, happy, and peaceful relationship with a life partner, patterned after nature and based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Available from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.
Includes a one-hour, live, one-on-one private session with Q&A every week for 24 weeks (6 months), a one-hour Support Group weekly with an opportunity for more Q&A with Katyayani, 6 SOS calls or emails, a personalized Astrogeomantic Chart, an Elemental Pranic Reading with Report, and a Printed Workbook mailed to your home, as well as sent in in digital PDF format. Spaces are limited but are currently available with no waitlist.
7-Step Relationship Foundation Blueprint
12-Week Private Program
Live instruction in implementing our 7-step blueprint for building a strong foundation for a lasting, happy, and peaceful relationship with a life partner, patterned after nature, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Includes a one-hour, one-on-one, live session via Zoom each week which you can schedule at your convenience, plus Q&A for 12 weeks (3 months), a one-hour Support Group weekly with an opportunity for more Q&A with Katyayani, and a workbook in digital PDF format. Spaces are limited but are currently available with no waitlist.
VIP Experience Available which includes two 30-minute private Q&A sessions with Katyayani per month over the course of 3 months, 3 SOS calls or emails, a personalized Astrogeomantic Chart, an Elemental Pranic Reading with Report, and a Printed Workbook mailed to your home before the event.
Relationship Foundation Blueprint
48-Week Private Program
Year-long private one-on-one program for couples experiencing troubles that works by rebuilding the foundation of the relationship in an attempt to repair it and build a stronger, more solid foundation for a lasting, happy, and peaceful relationship with a life partner, utilizing our 7-step blueprint, patterned after nature and based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Available from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.
Includes a one-hour, live, private session each week that includes Q&A for 48 weeks (1 year with 4 weeks of breaks according to participants’ choosing) that you can schedule at your convenience, a one-hour Support Group weekly with an opportunity for more Q&A with Katyayani, 6 SOS calls or emails each, a personalized Astrogeomantic Chart for each, an Elemental Pranic Reading with Report for each, a one-year supply of Lion’s Mane supplement for each, and two Printed Workbooks mailed to the participant’s home, as well as sent in in digital PDF format. Spaces are limited but are currently available with no waitlist.
VIP Experience Available which doubles your session time. It includes one-hour private sessions each during the first half of the program (2 hours total per week), two-hour private sessions together during the second half, and 6 more SOS calls or emails each (for a total of 12 each or 24 total).
Learn to preserve sexual energy without suppression
4 Week Private Program
Learn a natural method of preserving and channeling sexual energy, rather than suppressing it, for greater health, productivity, creativity, a more effective meditation practice, and faster spiritual growth. Find out why this is an important aspect of building a strong foundation for a lasting, peaceful, and happy relationship with a life partner, based on what happens in the neural network of our brains when we find ourselves in love. Includes a one-hour, one-on-one, live session per week via Zoom which you can schedule at your convenience for 4 weeks, a one-hour Support Group weekly with an opportunity for more Q&A with Katyayani, and a workbook in digital PDF format. Spaces are limited but are currently available with no waitlist.
VIP Experience Available which includes a 1-hour private Q&A with Katyayani and a Printed Workbook mailed to participants’ homes before the class.
20 minutes | 40 minutes | 1 hour
Individual, live, private, consultations for both singles and couples in the 7-step process for building a strong foundation for a lasting, happy, and peaceful relationship with a life partner, patterned after nature, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Available live from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.
Optional Add-Ons:
Elemental Pranic Reading with Report
Astrogeomantic Chart
Astrogeomantic Report with Chart
Conscious Relationship Building
Weekly Support in Conscious Relationship Building
1 Hour Support Group Weekly on Mondays at 5 PM Pacific
While our support group is included with many of the programs, it’s also available by itself, as well. Participants will receive weekly support via Zoom in conscious relationship building and implementing the 7-step blueprint for building a strong foundation for a lasting, happy, and peaceful relationship with a life partner, patterned after nature, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Katyayani facilitates the group and is happy to provide answers to participants’ questions.
Schedule a FREE initial consultation by phone or Zoom.
In your free consultation, I will help you discover if this knowledge could be useful to you, and answer any questions you might have.
Ready to find lasting love?

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