24 Week Private Mastery Program
This is our full, 6-month-long mastery program designed to equip those who are truly committed to building a strong foundation for a lasting and happy relationship with a life partner for success. You will receive live instruction in implementing our 7-step blueprint for building a strong foundation for a lasting, happy, and peaceful relationship with a life partner, patterned after nature and based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Also included is Sacral Education and membership to our weekly support group throughout the duration of the 6-month program, plus other benefits Available from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.
Relationship Foundation Blueprint
12 Week Private Program
Live instruction in implementing Phamily Foundations’ 7-step blueprint for building a strong foundation for a lasting, happy, and peaceful relationship with a life partner, patterned after nature, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Also included is Sacral Education and membership to our weekly support group throughout the duration of the 3-month program. Available from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.
Relationship Foundation Blueprint
4 Week Private Program
In this 4 week program, live via Zoom, learn a natural method of preserving and channeling sexual energy (rather than suppressing it) for greater health, productivity, creativity, a more effective meditation practice, and faster spiritual growth. Find out why this is an important aspect of building a strong foundation for a lasting, peaceful, and happy relationship with a life partner, based on what happens in the neural network of our brains when we find ourselves in love.
Master Your Sexual Energy
Weekly Support Group
Receive weekly, live support, via Zoom online video conferencing, in conscious relationship building and implementing the 7-step blueprint you can use to build a strong foundation for a lasting, happy, and peaceful relationship with a life partner, patterned after nature, based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Also, get your questions answered in person by Katyayani.
Conscious Relationship Building
Schedule a FREE initial consultation by phone or Zoom.
In your free consultation, I will help you discover if this knowledge could be useful to you, and answer any questions you might have.
Ready to find lasting love?

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