The Strong Foundation is now partnering with Awake Healer to bring you high-quality, ethically and sustainably sourced plant and indigenous medicines, online education, and a support network of like-minded individuals seeking physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. For healers, we offer online education and in-person training by real-world practitioners of indigenous medicines and alternative healing modalities.
Awake Healer's mission is to make alternative healing accessible to everyone and to equip and empower individuals with the knowledge to heal themselves physically, psychologically, and spiritually through the use of plant medicines and alternative healing modalities.
Click the following link to view Awake Healer’s selection of indigenous medicines and alternative healing modalities:
Some of the Medicines Available:
Pure Vine™ Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi) Microdose 1-Month Supply
Ceremonial Grade Cacao - Criollo Arriba Nacional Cacao
Hapé - Ayawaska - 10g
A one-month supply of Ayahuasca Microdoses when used as directed. Awake Healer's Ayahuasca contains only pure Bainsteriospsis Caapi vine extract and no DMT or any other hallucinogenic components. When people refer to ayahuasca, they’re generally referring to the brew made of banisteriopsis caapi (ayahuasca) vine combined with the chacruna leaf (contains DMT). This is the pure vine extract only, containing NO chacruna leaf.
Ayahuasca vine (banisteriopsis caapi) carries a naturally intelligent power. Many have reported stress reduction and a clearer cognitive state. The increases in your higher faculties are subtler, more gradient, and less of a shock to your system.
Benefits of microdosing include amplified emotions, improved mood, improved focus, creativity, energy, and social benefits. By amplifying emotions, you learn to manage and live healthily with your emotions. There are no intoxicating effects with microdosing banisteriopsis caapi (no DMT) as there are with ceremonial doses (which contain DMT). Because there is no DMT in the banisteriopsis caapi, it is not hallucinogenic and is perfectly legal in the United States.
This Cacao, from the Amazon region of Ecuador, is a national treasure. The Kichwa tribe in this area has been harvesting the oldest strain of unadulterated cacao in the world. Awake Healer collaborates with a small group of families within the tribe to procure the cacao. They have been caring for these trees the same way their forefathers have for hundreds of years. Awake Healer is dedicated to assisting them in continuing their organic, sustainable, and profitable harvest. It is naturally perfect.
Cacao is a natural and very effective way to relax the body and compliment any and all meditative practice that follows. It is often considered to be a very powerful tool to help ground people within their own bodies and guide their awareness back to their own heart. It’s recognised as being a very warming medicine that can help regulate the nervous system and improve the mood of anyone who drinks it. Cacao ceremonies are often used as a gateway for inner healing, seeking clarity and setting intentions. Being in a sacred space helps you to get out of your normal frame of mind, allowing you to experience new insights and perspectives (Ceremonial-cacao) in a safe, supportive environment. It can also be an expansive space by which to nurture intimacy and empathy within yourself, and with others, and holds the potential for one to regain that lost spiritual balance (Tsai.)
Ayawaska hapé is made with the sacred vine The Caapi vine is considered a ladder that allows us to visit the higher spiritual planes. Hapé is the preparation of powdered medicinal herbs which is administered through the nose as a snuff. The effects are experienced promptly and intensely and it elicits feelings of alertness and elevation. Hapé is made from different medicinal plants for different purposes. There are several tribes that traditionally used hapé that have different ways of preparing the herbal snuff and often produce their own specific kinds of Hapé blend. These tribes include but are not limited to the Katukina, Yawanawa, Kaxinawa, Nukini, Kuntanawa, Apurinã, Ashaninka, and Matses. To these tribes, hapé is a sacred shamanic snuff medicine with extensive healing and other effects such as inducing visions, increasing energy, and heightening the senses with the aromatic fragrance of the plants used in the blend.
Today, indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin continue to use hapé in all aspects of life, from formal rituals to social gatherings, to simply tuning into Nature and welcoming the healing power of sacred plant medicines.
The ritual use of hapé was introduced to the West by traveling shamans through ayahuasca ceremonies, as well as by visitors who have spent time in the jungle with indigenous communities. This practice is making its way around the world.
This Cacao, from the Amazon region of Ecuador, is a national treasure. The Kichwa tribe in this area has been harvesting the oldest strain of unadulterated cacao in the world. Awake Healer collaborates with a small group of families within the tribe to procure the cacao. They have been caring for these trees the same way their forefathers have for hundreds of years. Awake Healer is dedicated to assisting them in continuing their organic, sustainable, and profitable harvest.