Phamily Foundations
Phamily Foundations is ready to help those struggling with short-lived, unfulfilling relationships find lasting love in a life partner. My 7-Step Relationship Foundation Blueprint is based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Neurobiology. Programs, classes, and consultations are available.

Shiv Shakti Yoga, Flora Conscious Nutrition Classes, and Upcoming Musical Performances
Join us online via Zoom or Facebook Live on Sundays, once a month, for a public talk on Shiv Shakti Yoga and the Meditation on the Inner Light & Sound Current. Prior to the talks, there will be a free flora-conscious nutrition class or a musical performance by Soul Whisper. Meditation instruction is always offered free of cost.

The Strong Foundation is now partnering with Awake Healer to bring you high-quality, ethically and sustainably sourced plant and indigenous medicines, online education, and a support network of like-minded individuals seeking physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. For healers, we offer online education and in-person training by real-world practitioners of indigenous medicines and alternative healing modalities.