Designed according to the principles of flora consciousness.
Every delicious dish fits into one of the seven phases of the Flora Conscious 7-Phase Dietary Plan, which offers seven different adjustment levels to choose from, according to the state of your microbiome, with phase 7 being the ultimate goal with no restrictions (within reason) once a healthy microbiome has been achieved.
Flora Conscious Cuisine
For Optimal Microbiome Health
The mission of Iah Foods is to provide delicious, healthy food to anyone who can benefit from a flora conscious diet, and to make flora conscious foods more convenient and accessible.
It is estimated that 90% of people in industrialized countries have some degree of dysbiosis - an imbalance of the body's natural microbial flora. Dysbiosis is the root cause of much modern age disease prevalence, such as cancer, auto-immune diseases, autism, arthritis, allergies, IBS, Crohn's Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, systemic candidiasis, and many other diseases that so many suffer from today.
Everyone can benefit from being conscious of how their dietary and lifestyle choices affect the balance of flora within their bodies. Even if you are in the 10% of people who do not have any degree of dysbiosis, flora consciousness always supports the maintenance of optimum health. It protects against the effects of all the things we come in contact with in our environment that contribute to the disruption of the balance of flora in our bodies - pollution, pesticides, synthetic antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals, chlorinated water, high sugar, refined starch and alcohol consumption, and more.
Many people find it difficult to follow a flora conscious diet due to work, time, or social restraints, the lack of availability of pre-made flora conscious food choices, or just simply not knowing where to start. Iah Foods would like to eventually produce flora conscious food items conveniently available in stores. We want to make it as easy as possible for people to make the choices they need to in order to achieve the level of health they seek and more.
Flora consciousness is a powerful path to take towards achieving a vibrant body and clear mind, capable of living life to its fullest, and enjoying every moment thoroughly. Bliss is your birthright!
For now, you can download week-long Meal Plans, complete with all recipes and a shopping list for that week. There are seven restriction levels for you to choose from, according to the Flora Conscious 7 Phase Dietary Plan. All meal plans are 100% vegan, gluten-free, and include an abundance of raw plant food recipes, as well as cooked foods.
Included each week is a low-budget version that leaves out optional ingredients, making it affordable to eat well for almost anyone.
Find out more about our Flora Conscious Weekly Meals
Find out more about
Flora Conscious
Food Preparation Lessons
Find out more about the
Flora Consciousness Education Program
I offer, and how it can benefit you:

Click here to set up a FREE initial phone consultation.
In your free phone consultation,
I will help you discover if this knowledge could be useful to you,
and answer any questions you might have.
Improve Concentration
Destructive flora, such as Candida and other fungi release mycotoxins which immensely affect many bodily processes, including ability to concentrate, memory, and tolerance levels for stress, etc. Balancing your flora can restore bodily processes to optimal levels, clearing the mind and restoring endurance.
Slow the Aging Process
Mycotoxins cause the body to have to work harder, and drains it of the energy that could otherwise be used to replenish itself. Balancing the flora frees the body from excess toxic loads, allowing it to function normally, supporting rejuvenation on cellular levels.
Live Vibrantly!
Mycotoxins produced by an imbalance of flora, poisons the body, rendering it sluggish, depressed, unmotivated, tired and susceptible to disease. Balancing the flora in one’s body purifies it, allowing the body to function normally, full of energy, with a clear mind - a clean vessel for inspiration.
Ready to schedule your consultation?

Music by the awe-inspiring
This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed medical professional. This site offers medical information about treatments and remedies which are available in other countries completely legally, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the “practice of medicine.” This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. Any statements regarding alternative treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA.