Elemental Pranic Reading


Basic Astrogeomantic examination of the elemental makeup of a person’s qi field or pranic field based on the cyclical patterns that nature was expressing into the world during the two-hour window of their birth. Communicated in easy-to-understand terms, utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory. Conducted by phone or online video conference.

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Basic Astrogeomantic examination of the elemental makeup of a person’s qi field or pranic field based on the cyclical patterns that nature was expressing into the world during the two-hour window of their birth. Communicated in easy-to-understand terms, utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory. Conducted by phone or online video conference.

As you place your order below, schedule your appointment time via the following link:

Basic Astrogeomantic examination of the elemental makeup of a person’s qi field or pranic field based on the cyclical patterns that nature was expressing into the world during the two-hour window of their birth. Communicated in easy-to-understand terms, utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory. Conducted by phone or online video conference.

As you place your order below, schedule your appointment time via the following link:

Discover the elemental makeup of your pranic field.

I’ll analyze the cyclical patterns that nature was expressing into the world during the two-hour window of your birth with Astrogeomancy, as taught to me by Taoist monk, Liu Ming. This provides practical insight that can help you find balance in your life, foster direction, and understand yourself more.


An Elemental Pranic Reading usually takes about 20 minutes and is currently conducted by either phone or online video conference. Longer consultations are available upon request and will soon be available in-person on the Northern California Coast.

Before your reading

Follow the link included here to schedule your consultation, where you will be prompted to provide your birth information and two preferences for a day and time for your consultation. I will email you to confirm a day and time, as well as provide you with your call-in number or Zoom link, whichever you choose.

I will then construct a 3-page report for you detailing the elemental make up of your pranic field. I will email you a PDF of your report beforehand, on the day of your scheduled reading.

During your reading

You have the option of having your reading recorded and emailed to you to download within 24 hours of your consultation.

I will provide you with details of the elemental make-up of your pranic field in easy-to-understand terms utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory. I’ll share with you with my findings, offer you practical information, and answer any questions you might have.

If you have chosen to have your reading recorded, it will be emailed to you to download within 24 hours of your consultation.

You may ask any additional questions you may think of, via email, for up to three days following your consultation.

Gain insight that allows you to make choices more in alignment with your nature and thereby more consciously navigate your destiny according to what you really want in life.

Five Element Theory provides a very clear language with which to communicate about all the different qualities and resulting tendencies the different combinations of elemental energetic patterns in nature have for expressing themselves at certain points in nature’s cycles. We are a part of nature, and by analyzing the qi, prana or energy that was being expressed into the world at the same time you were, we can conduct an analysis of your elemental nature.

Ancient Chinese healers developed Five Element Theory in order to be able to classify anything in creation and understand how its different parts work, respond and react together. Energy and the forms created by it are always either in a stage of growth, expansion, grounding, contracting or at rest. This is reflected most obviously in the yearly seasons, as well as throughout each day. In the spring, buds appear on trees, and the land is in a stage of growth. In the summer, the prana of the earth is in a stage of expansion before it begins to get grounded at the end of summer and then goes into a phase of contraction in the autumn as trees lose their leaves. Winter slows everything down and some animals even sleep all winter long. With a new day, the sun rises, the day grows. By midday, expansion is everywhere before it starts to ground. In the evening, life contracts, and at night, we rest.

Nature’s cycles and patterns are the basic elements of all creation. We can see this reflected all throughout it. Being a part of nature, we are not only influenced by these cycles, but an intrinsic part of them ourselves. We can closely examine the conditions in nature during the two-hour window of your birth and analyze that point in nature’s repetitive cyclical patterns using Five Element Theory. In this way, we can become conscious of how much of each element of nature is being expressed through you in your life.

Are you dominant in a pattern of growth, or wood element? If so, you’re probably a very creative person who’s able to see things from a fresh perspective. Are you dominant in a pattern of expansion, or fire element? If so, you’re probably a very passionate, animated person with a lot to express and say. Are you dominant in a pattern of grounding, or earth element? If so, you’re probably a very comforting, nurturing person who inspires stability and security. Are you dominant in a pattern of contraction, or metal element? If so, you’re probably mature, accurate and precise. Are you dominant in a pattern of rest and formlessness, or water element? If so, you’re probably quieter, calm and intuitive. Is your elemental make up balanced between all the elements? or do one or two elements stand out above all the rest? Are you without one or more of the elements? All of this can be discovered in your Elemental Pranic Reading.

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