Flora Conscious Emerald Phase 4 Meal Plan and Recipes


Flora Conscious Phase 4 Meal Plan with complete recipes and shopping list to make following a flora conscious diet as easy as possible.

This week long meal plan is from Emerald Phase 4 of 7 Restriction Levels


No matter how health conscious you are in this day and age, if you’re not flora conscious, it’s all for naught!

For those with severe flora imbalances that have resulted in things like candida, this is the candida diet made easy!

All 100% Vegan & Gluten Free

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Flora Conscious Phase 4 Meal Plan with complete recipes and shopping list to make following a flora conscious diet as easy as possible.

This week long meal plan is from Emerald Phase 4 of 7 Restriction Levels


No matter how health conscious you are in this day and age, if you’re not flora conscious, it’s all for naught!

For those with severe flora imbalances that have resulted in things like candida, this is the candida diet made easy!

All 100% Vegan & Gluten Free

Flora Conscious Phase 4 Meal Plan with complete recipes and shopping list to make following a flora conscious diet as easy as possible.

This week long meal plan is from Emerald Phase 4 of 7 Restriction Levels


No matter how health conscious you are in this day and age, if you’re not flora conscious, it’s all for naught!

For those with severe flora imbalances that have resulted in things like candida, this is the candida diet made easy!

All 100% Vegan & Gluten Free


  • A 100% vegan meal plan for each day of the week, including Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, Snacks and Beverage

  • Flora conscious vegan recipes for every meal included in your plan

  • Complete shopping list containing everything needed for the week's meal plans

  • Each meal plan is designed for one of seven different restriction levels according to the Flora Conscious 7 Phase Meal Plan .

  • An abundance of raw plant food recipes, in addition to cooked foods

  • An alternate shopping list leaving out optional ingredients, making it affordable to follow for almost anyone

What is flora consciousness?

Flora consciousness is simply being aware of the flora you’re growing in the garden of your body. Our bodies naturally contain trillions of microbes essential to human health. They make up our microbiome, which mainstream medicine has only just begun to realize the importance of for its role in our immune system and so much more. We actually have ten times as many microbes in our bodies as we do human cells! They’re just smaller, so only comprise about 2 - 3% of an entire body’s mass.

Since humans have been applying our intelligence to alter nature so drastically and create so many synthetics and chemical compounds that our bodies and the microbes they contain have not evolved with over millennia, our microbiomes and the microbes, or flora, they contain are being destroyed - and along with them, our good health. Microbiome destruction is the root of such a massive amount of health issues many face today in industrialized countries. It’s estimated that 90% of us are affected by it to some degree. When our microbiomes are destroyed, just like when a forest is cut down, opportunistic ‘weeds’ can come in and grow in its place, many of which produce extremely harmful toxins that destroy neurotransmitters, making it difficult for our brain cells to communicate and causing a host of resulting problems, including lack of concentration, inability to handle stress, anxiety, memory issues and much more.

Making choices that proliferate the growth of beneficial flora and discourage the growth of destructive flora can go a long way in maximizing our health, as well as our potential. One of the ways we can do this is in the choices we make about what we eat and drink and put into, as well as onto, our bodies - even so far as what’s in the air we breathe.

To make it easier for people to make flora conscious dietary choices, I’ve created flora conscious weekly meal plans. For those with severe flora imbalances that have resulted in things like candida, this is the candida diet made easy!

This flora conscious weekly meal plan comes with complete recipes and shopping list to make following a flora conscious diet as easy as possible. There are seven different restriction levels for you to choose from. All recipes are vegan and gluten-free.

Fill each of your days with delicious dishes & desserts you can feel good eating, that you won't find anywhere else. I can make almost anything you love to eat in a flora conscious form!

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Flora Conscious Amber Phase 1 Meal Plan and Recipes
Gift Card
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