How to build a lasting, loving relationship with a life partner
One of many people’s biggest problems is how to sustain a lasting relationship with a life partner, and how to keep the same intensity of love they felt at the beginning going for a lifetime.
So, I’ve developed a blueprint that shows you exactly how to do that! It’s a 7-step process for building a strong foundation for the relationship of your dreams. By working with nature’s processes of creation, we can create the lives we want.
This blueprint is designed to make it as simple as possible for you to get results, although these methods do require dedication and discipline. You can learn how to apply these seven steps in your own life by beginning a private program at any time or joining one of our group programs. There are no set dates for the private sessions - you can schedule them at your convenience. Private individual consultations are also available, as well as a weekly support group.
The Relationship Foundation Blueprint is for you if you:
Are single and seeking lasting love in a life partner.
Are dating and want to create something meaningful and lasting.
Are in a committed relationship and want to learn more about how to sustain it.
Want to be taken by the hand and shown exactly what to do to build a strong foundation for a lasting, loving relationship!
If you are already in a relationship and you are experiencing troubles, you may want to check out our Relationship Foundation Repair Program which may be more suitable for you.
Imagine what it would feel like to form a loving, secure, and lasting relationship with a life partner that can weather the test of time.
So, you can put behind you all the desperation, anxiety, and stress you experienced in the past, for good, once, and for all.
What would it feel like if you were in a relationship where you felt completely and absolutely loved beyond doubt? So you can finally focus on fulfilling your life’s work and dreams without having any of the worries and stresses that come with an unfulfilling relationship that takes up all your attention, where you can live as the highest version of yourself, and stop worrying about your relationship.
Isn’t it time that you really started experiencing all the benefits a loving, happy, and peaceful relationship can bring? So that at the end of your life, you know that you’ve built a legacy together, positively impacting the lives of everyone you touch, and if desired, will have raised strong, healthy, loving children, using the knowledge of the natural process of building a strong foundation for a lasting relationship with your life partner. You’ll even be able to pass on this valuable knowledge to your children, enriching their lives and all they touch.
The Relationship Foundation Blueprint MASTERY OF LOVE Program is a 24-week long program that includes exercises, worksheets, a weekly Support Group, ancient knowledge from Antar Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and modern knowledge of Neurobiology. This mastery program is currently available as a live, private, one-on-one program via Zoom.
We also have an ARTISAN OF LOVE Program for the Relationship Foundation Blueprint is a 12-week long program that also includes exercises, worksheets, a weekly Support Group, and basic knowledge of this method based on Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Neurobiology. Currently available as a live, private, one-on-one program via Zoom.
A weekly SUPPORT GROUP is included with our programs, or you can opt to sign up for the support group on its own to receive support in staying on track in achieving your goals in love and partnership and building the life you want with a life partner. You can also get your questions answered by Katyayani who facilitates the support group and all the classes and programs.
PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS are also available with Katyayani for those who would like a more tailored, one-on-one learning experience.
Follow the links below for more details.
Unlike other relationship coaching programs that teach tricks and hints, the beauty of the Relationship Foundation Blueprint is that it is designed as a step-by-step plan, patterned after the nature of our own bodies and minds, to bond with a life partner in lasting love.
MASTERY OF LOVE Relationship Foundation Blueprint
24-Week Private Mastery Program
Private one-hour session each week for 24 weeks
Support Group one-hour each week for 24 weeks which includes Q & A
6 SOS calls or emails over the duration of the 24 weeks
Astrogeomantic Chart
Elemental Pranic Reading with Report
Printed workbook mailed to you as well as emailed in digital format
No set dates. Begin this program anytime and schedule private sessions at your convenience.
ARTISAN OF LOVE Relationship Foundation Blueprint
12-Week Private Program
Private, one-hour private session each week for 12 weeks
Support Group one hour each week for 12 weeks which includes Q & A
Workbook emailed to you in digital format
VIP Experience available with added benefits
No set dates. Begin this program anytime and schedule private sessions at your convenience.
SUPPORT GROUP Relationship Foundation Blueprint
Weekly Support Group
Ongoing, live support in implementing the 7-step blueprint for building a lasting relationship, every week, for one hour
Q & A
Click the button to get more information.
Enroll now to reserve your spot, as spaces are limited.
Phamily Foundation’s Relationship Foundation Blueprint is a phase-by-phase process that corresponds with each of the seven chakras. By working with nature's processes, we can consciously secure a strong foundation for a relationship with a life partner, thereby eliminating unnecessary stress and strain in the future. This is done in consideration of how our neurobiology is affected when we are in love. The foundation of any relationship is literally created within the neural network of our brains. Whether this foundation is formed with faults in it that shake the relationship with any slight wind, or if the foundation is built solid, sturdy, and strong, depends on the choices we make when first forming the relationship. When we are conscious and aware of the consequences of our choices, we can make choices that create the consequences we want in our lives. We can cultivate a beautiful life with a life partner that stands on solid ground, strong enough to weather the storms, from a love that only grows through the tests of time.
Schedule a FREE initial consultation by phone or Zoom.
In your free consultation, I will help you discover if this knowledge could be useful to you, and answer any questions you might have.
Ready to find lasting love?

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