Our Values
At Phamily Foundations, we support, empower & educate people in building the loving, lasting, happy relationship they really want with a life partner.
When we teach you how to work with nature in order to build a solid foundation for your relationship with your life partner and create the relationship of your dreams, you become confident and secure in your relationship, which enables you to live a life free of unnecessary worry and stress. As a result, you become the most productive, creative, energetic, highest optimal, version of yourself that you were born to be.
A strong foundation is required for a relationship to last, just like a house needs a strong foundation to remain standing.
By consciously working with nature’s processes, we can create relationships in alignment with our true desires for love and happiness.
The building block of the community is the family.
It is by nourishing the foundation which families are built upon that we are able to produce a strong & healthy future.
Phamily Foundations provides consulting and educational services, as well as foundational blueprints and repair, for those who wish to create a lasting relationship with a life partner.
Investing the time and care to build a strong foundation for your relationship can eliminate most arguments and strain that typically come up in relationships, and in turn, reduce the chance of divorce exponentially by fostering a complete bond at all levels according to natural processes. When the bond between two people is incomplete, faults form in the foundation of the relationship that can rattle and undermine it, often breaking a couple apart.
Taking into consideration the way the physiology, brain chemistry, and heart work together when one is in love, a conscious process is implemented by which two people can actually bond together as one, building a strong foundation for the entirety of their lives.
Phamily Foundations provides instruction in a 7 Step Process for building a lasting, loving relationship, which corresponds with each of the seven chakra centers. By working with nature, we can consciously secure a strong foundation for a relationship with a life partner.
By implementing this process, we can form a true bond with a life partner consciously, thereby eliminating unnecessary stress and strain in the relationship.

Katyayanibetha is an authorized instructor of Shiv Shakti Yoga, a form of Antar Yoga. She is a Pracharak for Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Maa Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj of Kedarnath, Himalayas, India. She has been studying and practicing Antar Yoga in the practice of Inner Light & Sound Meditation since 2004, at which time she was initiated by Sant Thakar Singh into the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga.
Katyayani is also a professionally certified classical feng shui practitioner, having graduated from Golden Gate School of Feng Shui in 2009. Classical feng shui is one of the eight rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through this year-long 260-hour hands-on certification program, she learned an ancient, natural method for determining compatibility and gaining insight into the nature of one’s character and tendencies from the renowned Taoist Master, Liu Ming.
Phamily Foundations’ method of building a lasting & happy relationship with a life partner draws upon many principles of Antar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other ancient wisdom traditions, along with modern Neuroscience. When put into practice, this knowledge can be life-changing.
Katyayani created Phamily Foundations to be a valuable tool in building a strong foundation for two people to successfully live their lives as one, in unity and in love that only grows with the tests of time.
“I was first struck with the vision of Phamily Foundations in 2008 on the first day I was in class with Liu Ming at the beautiful location in nature the Bay Conference Center resides upon on Paradise Drive in Marin County, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. There’s a reason that road is named Paradise Drive; the natural views there are divine. On that first day of class, I was inspired to take some of the basic principles used throughout all eight rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine and apply them to creating ceremonies for two people who want to spend their lives together. My dream only grew and developed after that, and in 2013, my vision for Phamily Foundations became complete, through inner vision and different gems of knowledge that happened to cross my path. I am excited to share this knowledge with the world and to help people form regenerative, loving relationships established on a strong foundation that’s built to last. The foundation of our community is the family, so this is a vital part of creating a vibrant and healthy future for all.
“Much of what enabled me to develop this natural method of building a strong foundation for a life partnership came from my meditations and other spiritual teachings. I practiced Surat Shabd Yoga and Inner Light & Sound Meditation for ten years after being initiated by Sant Thakar Singh in 2004. It was through his mission that I connected with Mahamandaleshwar Maa Adishakti and received her initiation in 2014. Guru Maa gave us some additional practices for meditation that remarkably give us a powerful ability to cultivate Shakti (energy) more easily and therefore make greater progress in cultivating consciousness (Shiv) within us. Thanks to Guru Maa, I literally achieved more in one year through meditation than I had achieved in the previous ten years, by far.
“In 2016, Guru Maa gave me the spiritual name, Katyayani (pronounced Kaht-yah-eye-nee), my full name being Katyayanibetha, Daughter of Durga. I am named after The Goddess of Love, Maa Katyayani, whom people have prayed to for millennia for a good life partner and a happy and peaceful married life. Maa sees everything from within, and she must have seen that this would be a part of my life’s work. I am immensely grateful to Maa for all that She has given me and all that she does for all of us. I am also thankful that I can do this work on the Earth, share this knowledge, and help as many people as I possibly can.”
With Love,
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In your free consultation, I will help you discover if this knowledge could be useful to you, and answer any questions you might have.
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